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to the man that didn't quite understand love.

love is amazing isn't it?

just the feeling of pure bliss flowing though your veins from just being next to the person your heart has fallen captive to can make you break.

when you know you can't get close but you oh so badly want to be theirs forever and never let them go.

you let go.

i finally got you then you let me crash and burn.

i remember just falling and falling.

then one day i stopped.

it took much too long for me to snap out of the trance you put me in.

but when i did, i hated it.

i wanted to sprint back into your embrace and give everything i had to you once again.

i know you will never reply because you don't care enough. i'm just not important to you like i thought i was.

love from,

that one person you always see but never talk to.

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