The Styles SmackDown Surprise {AJ Styles x Little Sister!Reader}

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Words: 2,327

Anon Request: AJ is the readers big brother and she wants to go to SmackDown from NXT but her brother isn't happy about because he's worried she'll get hurt. That is until she saves him and shows him that she isn't a little girl anymore.


Requested on Tumblr! Follow me @izzygyrlthemoviegirl for more! 


You stood outside the doorway to your brother's dressing room. You were trying to strike up the nerve to talk to him. It had been a rough couple of days between you two. Why?

Two Days Earlier:

"AJ I'm 25 years old and I've been in NXT since I was 20! Vince thinks that I would be a great addition to SmackDown!" You said to your brother-or rather your brothers back. All you saw was his black vest and his long silky brown hair. He was staring at the wall his hands on his hips.

"Vince can think what he wants but when it comes to your safety that's my decision!" AJ said spinning around his blue eyes afire with frustration and concern. But you didn't see that. All you saw was that your brother was being too damn overprotective.

"I'm 25 AJ! I think I can take care of myself. We're in the 21st century now. Women don't need a mans permission anymore. I'm just trying to understand why you won't let me go to that next level!" You said in disbelief.

"Because you're not ready for that next level!" AJ said banging his fist against the locker making it give a loud shudder that made you wince.

"That may be true but when it comes to me and my family I don't care what damn century we're in!" He said. Just then he sighed and looked at you with a softened gaze. "I say this because I love you (Y/N)." He said looking at. All he wanted was to make you understand that he didn't want you to get hurt. "I've seen what this career does to people. Heck it's almost done it to me!" He said. "People are injured every day. I live with pains caused from matches from years ago every day. I don't want you living like that!" He said.

"I'm already living like that AJ! If you haven't forgotten I've been in NXT for the past five years. I know what it can do to you!" You said. AJ shook his head. "No darling that's not what I'm saying. Yes NXT is wrestling but it's completely different from SmackDown or RAW! You're gonna have to take bigger hits, larger leaps and dives and do much more advanced things. I just don't think you're ready." He said.

You scoffed in disgust. "How would you know?" You spat. "You've never even been to one of my matches!" The venom in your tone was clear.

AJ sighed. "Trust me. I'm–."

"Doing what's best for me I've heard it all before. Well I'm leaving. I can't even look at you right now I'm so furious."

And with that you grabbed your jacket and left the locker room, slamming the door with a bang.

That had been two days ago. You had spoken to Vince and had made a deal with him. Tonight AJ was going up against Shinsuke Nakamura. He was going to be accompanied by Asuka. You were going to accompany your brother to the ring.

"What you do is entirely up to you." Vince had told you.

That had been this morning.

It was now close to 10:30. You were in your new ring gear that you had gotten for your appearance on SmackDown.

And you were outside your brothers locker room.

Approaching the door you knocked.

"Come in."

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