Chapter Two

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The camp was buzzing with activity by the time their small patrol returned. Lilystep and Falconcry stood beside the fresh kill pile with their sons; Shellfoot and Jadeclaw. Sootsplash had made his way from the elder's den and found a nice patch of sun to lay in.

Smogcloud and his littermate, Olivenose, had stopped to chat beside the warrior den's entrance. The black tom's whiskers twitched with amusement as Olivenose nuzzled his shoulder with her nose. After a heartbeat, they both turned and headed towards Pineheart who still sat across the clearing.

Wavepaw looked around for Elkstar, but he had vanished. Maybe into his den, she wondered. But in a matter of moments, the brown and white tabby appeared from the depth's of Brokensong's den. The medicine cat was on his heels, with Bluepaw exiting right behind them.

"I need to collect more snake vine," she meowed over her shoulder to the silver pelted apprentice. Bluepaw gave a quick nod and continued to stalk after his mentor.

Wavepaw's attention was fixed on Brokensong. She remembered when she had first met the medicine cat, when she was still a young kit. She had been shocked to see her scarred face, home to only one, green eye. But the surprise had easily faded; and she could cherish the brown and black tabby she-cat for her skills, instead of being afraid of her appearance.

As the two medicine cats drew close to Wavepaw, she hitched in her breath. Bluepaw had locked his gaze with hers, his sapphire eyes shining. "Has Frostfeather run out of things for you to do?" Brokensong's rusty mew called as she sauntered up beside her.

She glanced around for the other members of her patrol, but they must have padded off while she was distracted. How long have I even been standing here, she wondered guiltily.

"Err, no," she puffed, "we just got back from a patrol." Brokensong shrugged her shoulders, her whiskers twitched at the apprentice's hesitant response.

"Well maybe you can help out Sootsplash and find him some fresh bedding," Brokensong continued, "he's been complaining of aching joints lately. It might help to sleep on moss that wasn't as hard as a rock."

Wavepaw's pelt burned at her wry comment. She knew it was part of the apprentice's duties to care for the elders. And Sootsplash is the only one, she reminded herself, we shouldn't slack helping take care of him.

"See if your brothers will help you," Bluepaw suggested, flicking his tail in the direction of the two toms. They were standing near the fresh kill pile, their pelts still ruffled from sleep.

She wondered if it was even worth the effort to walk over and ask. Nightpaw was prickly even on his best days. And Cavepaw; well, Cavepaw did whatever Nightpaw told him to. "I'll just do it myself," Wavepaw decided.

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