Chapter Four

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Nightpaw had been shocked beyond belief that Frostfeather had been attacked. But beneath his shock, he was relieved that it hadn't been Wavepaw who was injured. With what that creature had done to Frostfeather, it could have easily killed his sister.

The trek back to camp had felt like an eternity. Frostfeather scarcely moved atop Lionleap's shoulders, her puncture wounds still bleeding heavily. Nightpaw found himself trotting along close to her flank, ready to help if the wounded warrior started to slide.

But it seemed Lionleap did not need his help. They arrived in camp as fast as their paws could carry, and padded close to the center of the clearing to set Frostfeather down. In a mere matter of moments, the Clan was buzzing with questions, swirling like a storm around them.

"We need Brokensong," Lionleap growled as she pushed Shellfoot and Jadeclaw out of her way. The two younger warriors just stared in dismay at Frostfeather's blood streaked fur.

"What is happening?" Elkstar's commanding voice boomed across the clearing. He was pulling himself out of the burrow that formed his den, his brown tabby fur ruffled. "What happened to Frostfeather?"

Nightpaw felt his pelt prickle as Pineheart jumped out of the burrow behind Elkstar, his eyes instantly landing on Frostfeather. His heart twisted with grief, knowing that Pineheart and Frostfeather were litter mates. That makes her my kin, he thought sadly.

Elkstar shot straight to his warrior's side, with Pineheart right behind him. Wavepaw stood a few paces away, her face frozen with shock. Even though Pineheart's worry for Frostfeather was strong, he padded over to Wavepaw and wrapped his body around her.

The rest of the Clan had started to gather, curious about the commotion. Shellfoot and Jadesong were joined by their parents, Lilystep and Falconcry. Olivenose and Smogcloud sat a few paces away, whispering into each other's ears. Drizzlesplash kept her distance, watching with wide, disbelieving eyes. Sootsplash appeared as a mere shadow against the mouth of the elder's den.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Pineheart mewed softly, "what did this to Frostfeather?"

Stoneflower had appeared from the crowd of cats, surging forward to come and comfort her daughter. Nightpaw's belly clenched with panic. Wavepaw looks so afraid! What could have happened to make her look like that?

While he had been distracted, Lionleap had returned with Brokensong and Bluepaw. The two medicine cats were working almost effortlessly as they began to dress their patient's wounds. He hadn't been watching them for long when Cavepaw gently prodded him in his side.

"What happened?" he whispered, his eyes wide as his gaze locked with Nightpaw.

Everyone keeps asking that, he thought with a tremor of sadness, but the only one who knows anything is Wavepaw. "I don't know," he confessed, "Lionleap and I ran into them out near the boundary at the Red Mountain. We didn't see what caused this."

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