Chapter Three

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The next morning arrived sooner than anticipated; especially when Wavepaw found it hard to even get a wink of sleep. She had been too enthralled with the new, strange cats. All night, she had laid awake thinking about what might have happened to them.

All the Clan cats knew was that they had washed ashore, and for some reason couldn't remember anything that had happened beforehand. When Brokensong and Bluepaw finally returned to camp; the knowledgeable medicine cat set to work in treating her new patients.

After she had looked them over, she sent Bluepaw over to Elkstar to report that they had amnesia. Apparently, it could have been brought on by the trauma of their ordeal. But what exactly happened to them, Wavepaw wondered as she stared out of the narrow entrance of the apprentice's den. Why had they been out in the ocean?

The two cats couldn't even remember their names, let alone where they had come from. But what was truly clear was that they needed medical treatment. Brokensong hadn't wasted any time in aiding them, even asking Wavepaw to fetch them some water soaked moss in the small pool that sat near the center of camp.

Wavepaw could remember the sheer excitement she felt when she padded up to the tom inside the medicine den. His brown and orange tabby fur had finally dried, and his shocking yellow eyes watched her every move as she set the moss down at his paws.

The she-cat had been sleeping, her flank rising and falling with each wheezing breath. She looked in bad shape, but Wavepaw was confident that Brokensong would fix her up. After all, she had healed Lilystep after she had been squeezed by a python, and that had been serious.

The apprentice flicked her tail tip as she shifted her gaze towards Cavepaw. Her brother was still deep asleep, his ears twitching with the weight of his slumber. But as she looked over at Nightpaw, she was surprised to find him staring back at her.

"I didn't get much sleep," he grumbled, his voice low toned and husky.

"Me either," Wavepaw meowed. After all, the appearance of the two cats had to be one of the most exciting parts of her young life! Only second best to seeing the ocean for the first time, which was magical for every newly named apprentice.

"I don't think I can lay here any longer," Nightpaw groaned, "I'm going out into camp." He didn't waste any time as he got to his paws and slid out of the den. Wavepaw watched the branches shiver where he had pushed through, wondering if she should follow him.

She glanced back towards Cavepaw, who was still snoring softly in his slumber. It won't be long before he wakes up, she told herself as she, too, got up and left the seclusion of the bush.

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