Im so done part five!

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You walked over to your bike quickly pushing the coins into your dress pockets (I love dress pockets 😂). You felt very happy, maybe you wouldn't be alone this summer like you thought you would be.

(Pretend this dress has pockets 😂 and if you don't like it try to imagine a different one)

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(Pretend this dress has pockets 😂 and if you don't like it try to imagine a different one)

Hoping on your bike you thought about going to the Barrens with your hopefully new friends. Let's see there is Richie, he has the biggest glasses that make his eyes look gigantic (😂),  he is also the one that I've heard make inappropriate jokes. You laughed to yourself thinking about one of his jokes you over heard.

It was about two months ago when you were waiting for your mom to pick you up to go to (your fav sport, it can be anything if you don't play a sport, Quiddich pick that 😂) , as you were sitting down on the grass you heard and saw him talking to a shorter boy with an inhaler named Eddie. You heard only a part of the conversation but it was memorable.

"I got a joke for you Eddie Spaghe"
"I told you not to call me Spaghetti"
"Okay Eddie Spaghetti"
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You know why Burger King got Dairy Queen pregnant?" Richie said smiling. Eddie sighed.
"He forgot to wrap his whopper!" Richie yelled while raising his hand.
"Your so disgusting, put your hand down" Eddie criticized but smiled at the joke when Richie had his back turned.

You laughed louder. There was also Bill that was in there group, he lost his brother only almost a year ago, you had and do feel bad for him. If you lost a loved one you didn't know what would happen to you. That thought entered your mind to much. Then suddenly you smiled thinking about Stanley, god he was cute! You thought about how he blushed when talking to you about going to the Barrens. Another memorable event in your life. Maybe you would get to witness more memorable moments tomorrow or even for days after if they became your friends. What a nice thought.

An unlikely thought. Why would they want to be friends with you? A horrid and disgusted voice said at the back of your mind. He probably only asked if you wanted to go because he felt bad for you, sitting at lunches all by yourself how pathetic! Shut  up, you thought back to the voice, beginning to doubt yourself. The voice was probably right anyway. No! I am beautiful and they will love me and I won't be alone this summer!

A tear fell down your cheek as you turned the corner. But what if they hated you? What if you made an idiot out of yourself? A few more tears fell before you started to cry. They will never be friends with someone like you! Oh now your crying! The voice laughed menacingly. That's all your good for, is being a sob story! You wiped some tears away but that didn't make them stop. You focused on getting home though you still cried a bit. You didn't know someone had seen you ride by, to busy thinking to notice him a street away.

Henry Bowers point of view

Why was Y/n crying? Henry thought to himself as he watched you petal off. Patrick and Victor better not of hurt her again!

A/N   ( I'm an author!?!? I love that)
Hey there! So haha I think this was a bit of an emotional chapter, at least for me. This again will set up the rest of the events and stuff. And as always sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes. Next chapter will be mostly when the reader goes to the Barrens and I'm thinking of a possible date as well...? What do you think about that? And isn't Stan cute!?! I love all of those guys 😄 anyway I have so many plans and let's just say the losers club will love the reader soooooo much! And the reader will be very important to the story! Ttyl 😂 and hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter.

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