Chapter 2

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Tony exited the elevator, rubbing his forehead.

"Hey, he'll be fine." Natasha Romanoff approached him and gave him a tight hug. They broke the hug and went over to the common room, with the rest of the Avengers in there. They all had blank expressions on their face, after hearing the news.

"Tony, you know that kid the most. You should know that he's strong. He'll make it way through this." Steve Rogers, his best friend, comforted him. Tony just nodded and went into the kitchen area to grab a snack. He pulled out an orange and bottle of water, trying to be healthy after being yelled at constantly to change his diet. He peeled the orange peel off and sighed into his cupped hands.

"Hey Tones, it's gonna be okay." Natasha rubbed his back. She was always there for Tony. Always the first one to know a secret or problem he had. She was the first in the group to know about Peters aunt.

"I know, it's just a lot going on." Tonys eyes stayed focused on the half peeled orange.

"Does the kid know? That his aunt is..." Nats voice trailed off, avoiding saying the worst.

"No, no, not yet. I'll tell him soon." That was a lie. Tony knew he could never tell anyone something like that, especially if it's Peter.

"Well you better tell him soon before social services find him. I don't think that kid would want to know his aunt was dead this entire time while he's also being put into some adoption place." Bucky called from the couch. He was being held in Sam Wilson's arms, even though SHIELD specifically said no relationships with co-workers. Bucky would always respond with 'We aren't co-workers, we are a family!', but with with his logic, that meant you date your family. Besides the fact that Bucky made no sense, they all agreed with 'not being co-workers'. They've been through everything together. Pain, celebration, achievements, happiness, sadness. They were more than co-workers.

The whole thought of family caused ideas to burst in Tonys brain.

"Nat, I need to talk to you in my lab." She gave Tony an odd look and followed him into his lab.

"Okay, I have an idea, it's about Peter." Tony started right as the passed the glass doors to his lab.

"You want to adopt him? Or become his legal guardian? Which one? I can't tell yet."Natasha asked with a little sarcasm. Tony gave her a confused and a 'what the fuck' look. She just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"I am a spy, and you're one of my best friends. Don't be surprised." Tony rolled his eyes and playfully glared.

"Okay, so do you think it would be a good idea? Be honest. I mean, I got enough money to support him. This is a safe place for him, I think."

"Tony, I don't think it's a good idea. To be honest, you would be a terrible father, but you love that kid so much and he does too, so, yeah I mean you would be a good father." She gave a warm smile.

"What is that supposed to mean? First I'm gonna be bad, then I'm good?"

"Tony, I think it's a good idea for Peters sake, but you're going to need to work on your fatherhood skills." Tony nodded and left the lab, Natasha following close behind.

When they got back to the common room, most of the group was gone, probably getting ready for bed. The only ones left were Sam and Bucky, but asleep on top of each other, Clint FaceTiming his family and Wanda Maximoff reading a book on the green sofa.

"I'm going to head to bed." Tony left everyone and into the elevator. He pressed a button, and the machinery whirred in the silence. Once he got to his destination he walked down the hallway. As he went by Peters room, he peeked in quietly to make sure Peter was okay. He was just sleeping in his warm bed peacefully. He smiled and slowly closed his door. Tony continued down the hallway and into his room. He slid his shirt off and went into his bathroom. After undressing himself more, he started a steamy shower. As he stepped in, the hot water burned at first, but then sent a wave of relaxation through him.

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