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You fell asleep after Yoongi sang to you, causing him to pick you up and carry you to your room.

You grumbled and held onto him as he tried to lay you on your bed.

He chuckled. "Y/n, let go. I need to get to bed."

"No," you whined, holding onto him tighter.

He sighed. "Do you wanna sleep in my room?" He asked.

You nodded and he smiled, carrying you back to his room. "I'm gonna put you in something more comfortable, okay?"

You nodded and laid on your stomach. He grabbed one of his shirts and took your pants and shirt off, undoing your bra and slipping that off without looking at your private areas.

He pulled his shirt over your head and peeled his own shirt off. He threw on sweat pants and laid next to you.

You instantly cuddled him, putting your face in his chest. He smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Good night."

"Good night, Yoongs..." you mumbled. "I love you."

He blushed and pecked your head. "I love you more."

"That's a lie." You cuddled into him more, pecking his neck in affection.

He sighed. "No, it's not, but believe what you want." He nibbled on his lip, watching as you kept kissing his neck gently.

He closed his eyes and you kissed up to his jaw, and then onto his cheek. You looked into his eyes and pecked his nose gently. "I love you more than you can imagine, Min Yoongi."


You opened your drawer and pulled out Yoongi's notebook. You took a deep breath and wrote.

"I couldn't help it. The lyrics you wrote were so deep and made me so emotional. I felt so weak and vulnerable in your arms. But then again, I felt so welcomed and happy in your arms. I felt all your warmth on my body where we made contact. It felt so good that I fell asleep. You tried to take me to my room, but I was scared of being alone. And when you told me you love me, I only wanted to kiss you all over. I left tiny pecks all over your neck and trailed up. I was so close to your lips. Too close to your lips. I had a strong urge to kiss you right then and there, but I was scared. I was scared that I would mess our friendship up just because of a kiss that could mean nothing to you, but I felt my heart beat too crazily. I couldn't do it, so I kissed your nose. If only I had kissed your lips, they would be soft and gentle, I bet. I wish I did it, Yoongi. I was unconcious a bit, but I felt as you changed my clothes for me, but you made sure to keep your distance. You're such a gentleman, and your bare chest always feels so warm."

You nibbled on your lip and closed the notebook. You looked down at the giant shirt on your body. You snuck out of Yoongi's bed a little bit ago to write in your journal. It was about seven in the morning and you needed to write before you forgot things.

You stood up and began walking to the door, until it opened and you jumped.

It was a messy-haired Yoongi. He ran his fingers through his hair and spoke softly, his voice raspy from just waking up.

"What are you doing up so early, Y/n?"

You blushed and shook your head. "Nothing, I just had to do something."

He opened his arms for you to walk into. You smiled and did so, his body envoloping you as you snuggled into his bare chest.

He rocked back and forth and lead you back to his bed. He laid you down and cuddled into your chest.

"Let's sleep more. I don't like waking so early, especially when you are supposed to be here, but you aren't."

Your heart skipped a beat and he could hear it. He smiled and pecked your cheek. "Your adorable, you know that?"

You blushed and shook your head.

He pecked your cheek again. "Well, you are adorable, beautiful, and everything in between. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

You bit your lip softly and nodded. "O-okay."

He played with your hair and you both soon fell asleep.


It was eight in the morning, and all the boys besides Yoongi plus you were downstairs. You both were still sleeping.

"Guys, have you noticed the difference?" Taehyung asked.

"About what?" Jungkook looked at his elder.

"Y/n and Yoongi. They seem...happier, now that her creep ex boyfriend is gone."

Jimin nodded. "I noticed that, too."

The boys kept discussing it, not noticing as you walked down in just Yoongi's shirt. Of course you were wearing a bra and underwear, but his shirt was so big that it seemed like a dress on you.

You yawned and opened the cupboard. You didn't hear their conversation until Hoseok screamed out a "SHH!"

You turned to them. "Good morning?"

They smiled awfully too much and you furrowed your eyebrows. You were going to say something until warm arms wrapped around you.

You turned to see the exciting sight of your shirtless best friend. You blushed.

"Why did you leave me?" He mumbled and pouted out. He rubbed his eyes and cuddled into your neck.

"I was thirsty and hungry. Now, hand me a cup. I can't reach."

He chuckled and reached up, setting it on the counter for you. "Shortie," he whispered and opened the fridge.

Jimin leaned to the boys and whispered, "You think they did it?"

Taehyung shook his head. "We would have heard it. I bet Yoongi would be so lou-"

"What are you guys whispering about now?" Yoongi asked as he sat down.

"Nothing!" They yelled in unison and he rolled his eyes.

You sat down beside Jungkook and sipped onto the coffee you made.

"Y/n, you should come to my dance studio today and practice with Jimin, Jungkook, and I!" Hoseok said.

"You think I should?"

All three boys nodded. "Then I will!" You smiled.

do ever just think of smth and then you plan it out and now you realize how terrible it is?

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