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The ride to the hospital was too much for your pitiful heart. Yoongi was fading, you could tell, but he was still breathing, and bleeding.

Even the paramedics were surprised he was alive with all of the blood he had lost. They were sure he would have al-ready been dead. They told you so, and that he must have been holding onto something dear to be alive and strong.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was relieved. He wasn't scared. He was happy. He listened to the conversation between you, the paramedics, and Jungkook. If you were shot, he knew none of you would be sitting in an ambulance, but griefing over your dead body. Yoongi was sure if that were to happen, he would let himself be free with you.

He grabbed your hand as the paramed-ics worked to stop the bleeding. He smiled. "Don't cry, Sweetie. I won't leave you."

He watched as you sniffled and wiped your eyes, trying to remain calm. He kwpt gis smile, running his trembling fingers through your soft hair.

He looked down at his wound and chuckled, his eyes so close to snapping shut. "That's a lot of blood, right, Y/n?"

You nodded and squeezed his hand a little tighter.

He stared at you. "Y/n, I'm tired."

"Don't close your eyes, Yoongs," you said,  squeezing into him tightly. "Don't do it. I know it's hard, but I won't forgive you."

He smiled. "I won't."

The ride continued until the ambulance finally got onto the road of the hospital. Yoongi turned to you. "Y-Y/n..." he mum-bled, his eyes only open by as a slit.


"I can't..." And then he eyes snapped shut.

The paramedic mumbled, "Shit," and continued to try to keep the man conscious, his hands holding the air-mask to Yoongi's face. "Dohyun, he isn't holding on. We're losing him!"

You widened your eyes and shook your head. "No, no, no!" You held your hand over your mouth, small gasps slipping out of your mouth from your chaotic sobs.

Jungkook bit his lip and pulled you into his arms, keeping you out of the paramedics way.

They grabbed the cardiac defibrillator, rubbing the two parts together, and shouted, "Clear!"

Each time you heard the electrical shot go through Yoongi's body, you felt a ping in your chest.

After a couple tries, there was the sound of a gasp for air, a pulse sounding through the machine.

You stared at Yoongi as you saw his chest swaying up and down. You wiped your tears and pecked his cheek softly. "Don't leave me, Yoongi. Please, don't leave me."

The ambulance parked, the paramedics opening the door and rushing him out. You stepped out after them, tripping and falling to your knees. Jungkook grabbed your arm gently, tugging you up. You rushed with the doctors, running beside Yoongi.

The doctors walked through a set of doors, one nurse holding you back. "I need you to stay here, Ma'am. Nobody is allowed inside."

Your tears slid down your face. "But..."

The nurse gently set you down on the bench by the door. "Just stay here and let the doctors do their thing. He will be okay, I promise you."

You nodded, stepping away from the door. You looked over to see Jungkook running to you. "Where is Namjoon?" You asked.

He pointed his thumb to another hall. "He's also in surgery. Just stay here and rest. Today has been rough, hm?"

You nodded and sat down, waiting for the doctors to arrive with, hopefully, good news.

Yoongi watched the whole scene as he was rushed to the E.R. He looked at your face most of the time. He didn't enjoy you in tears. Not one bit. It hurt him. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Once the doctors got him into the surgery room, the ripped his shirt. "We have to make this quick. Connect the systems."

The doctors rushed to prepare him for surgery. "Put him under. We can't have him be awake this time and feeling everything."

And Yoongi's world soon faded.

Yoongi watched the lovely couple as they sat together in an empty field, they looked so happy.

He tried to look at their faces, but they were empty. Not empty as in the look in his eyes, but their faces were completely blank. Nothing, nada.

But it still made him happy, though. They were happy together. Holding hands, and leaning against each other. Their hair was blowing in the wind.

Yoongi smiled, until he suddenly saw short memories. They were long scenes showed in a very short time. He counted the seconds.


He had just met you, your hands were wrapped around him as he held the gun tightly.


You helped him write his name in cursive. Must have been third grade.


You both had just gotten in high school, your feelings developed for Jungsoo.

"We're losing him?"


College wasn't as exciting as movies made it turn out to be.

We're losing who??


You broke up with Jungsoo. He had just picked you up and you were already drunk.


Wait. Doesn't your life flash before your eyes for only seven seconds before you die? No, Yoongi didn't want to go.

Wake me up! Wake me up! I can't go yet! I have to tell Y/n so many things!

Yoongi had just gotten kidnapped.


Yoongi was just shot, his blo-


And then Yoongi felt a beat. It wasn't just any beat. It was his heart beat.

I'm alive.


Please come see me.

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