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I am done editing this story. Im just so tired of it. Just remember that Seju is the real name for Jungsoo. I can't take editing this anymore. I finished writing it and editing it is becoming a hassle.

You stepped down the stairs in your sweat pants and loose shirt. Your hair was thrown into a top knot, and your phone was shoved into your pocket.

You walked to the three men waiting for you. You smiled and tried to jump in front of them, but strong hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you back, causing you to fly into the air be held there.

You yelped and the owner of the hands chuckled full heartedly. "I'm coming with you guys."

You turned to Yoongi. "You're gonna dance with us?"

He shook his head and smiled. "I said I'm going with you, not dancing."

You rolles your eyes as he set you down. Yoongi hated not being near you. Especially after his dreams of the past he gets when he takes naps. They cause him too much pain.

He kept his hands wrapped around you, pulling you close so that your head and back were pushed against his chest.

You smiled. "You're extra clingy today."

He smiled back and nodded, kissing the top of your head and placing his head on top of yours.

"Extra, extra clingy," he stated as he held you like you would disappear if he were to let go.

You blushed and held your hand over his. "Let's go."

After getting to the studio, Yoongi had finally let you go.

You walked to the middle of the room and the three boys began to teach you some of the dances while Yoongi sat down.

Yoongi was on his phone. You assumed he was playing a game, but he was recording you. He enjoyed seeing you so happy while having fun.

You soon tripped over while doing a rather inappropriate dance, and Jimin helped you by holding your hips from behind. His pelvis area gently rubbed against you from behind, causing Yoongi to drop his phone and go into a coughing fit.

You turned to him. "You okay, Yoongs?"

He nodded as you turned your body to look at him completely, your backside rubbing againsr Jimin more. Jimin nibbled on his lip as he felt it. Sure, he loved his ship between you and Yoongi, but it's been a while since Jimin has had fun.

You made your way to Yoongi, Jimin letting you go. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

You helped him up and smiled, walking back to the 3J's and told them to start the music.

You continued to dance as Yoongi recorded you. You smiled at him continuously, not aware you were on camera.

A little later, Yoongi had disappeared. You and the boys wondered where he want as you sat doen and drank the rest of your water. You sighed.

The smell of eggrolls and rice flooded your nose and you turned around. Yoongi brought more water and food, and sat it on the table. "I thought you guys would need these."

You smiled and hugged him. "You are the best."

As soon as Yoongi saw that Jimin was practically grinding against you, he dropped his phone. He didn't mean to, but it just happened. He was so surprised and jealous that he coughed, too.

After a while after that, he left. He was just going to take a walk, but ended up at a chinese take-out place. He went inside and bought you and the boys' favorites along with bottles of water.

He turned around and someone gasped.


He looked to see the pesky girl he regretted meeting.

"Oh my god! It's been a while!"

He rolled his eyes. "You just called me the other day."

She giggled. "Aw, you're too funny, Yoongi."

He hated the way she said his name. He didn't like the way it came out of her mouth. He didn't like it at all.

He sighed and began to walk away until a scrawny hand grabbed onto him. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled at the nuisance girl.

"B-but Yoongi.."

"Don't but Yoongi me! You broke me and left me! I'm done with you and I've been done with you!"

His words had burned her, but they had to be said. He had lost all respect for the woman in front of him.

But, unlike other times, the woman didn't chase after him.

Soon, Yoongi got back to the studio. He carried the food in and watched as you brought the food in. He saw your bright smile as he felt his heart beat when you ran to him and hugged him.

"You are the best," you said.

And he couldn't help but fall in love more.

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