Part 66

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8th March 1981
Brian's POV
The shows had been going brilliantly since everything went wrong the week before and everyone was in a really great mood. "You ready?" Roger asked and I nodded as I flattened my collar out and watched him in the mirror, "come here a second" I said and gently put my hands on his shoulders then looked at his face, "just a bit you've missed" I said and he closed his eyes as I dabbed the extra makeup off with my thumb.

I made sure it was all blended in then kissed his hair and straightened the necker tied around his neck, "you look perfect" I said softly and he smiled shyly then rolled his sleeves up, "thank you. You-" he started then placed a kiss on my cheek, "oop, now you look perfect" he said and I blushed. He pulled my collar up then took his shades off and put them on me, "have a look" he said and I turned around and laughed when I saw myself in the mirror.

"I look stupid! How do you pull this off?" I asked and he shrugged as I took off his shades and put them back on him as he put my collar back down, "maybe because you're too nerdy to pull it off" he said and giggled as he messed with my hair. "I'm not nerdy" I argued but he just tapped my nose, "you're not nerdy, mister wannabe astrophysicist, complete science geek and absolute master of the telescope" he said and I laughed, "okay, maybe I'm a bit nerdy"

"Take our the 'bit' and you'll be dead on" he said and pinched my cheek gently then Crystal came over and he had to go, "have fun, good luck!" He said and patted my chest before he left the dressing room to get in position. We all had separate ones this time so I didn't see when the other two went but I was picked up pretty soon after Roger went and taken to the wings.

The crowd were quite placid for the warm-up act, they weren't screaming and shouting or anything, just watching them and clapping when they finished a song which worried me a little. The warm-up soon came off and we were forced onto the stage where we were welcomed with cheering and clapping but after that, they listened almost dead silently.

Freddie was trying to get them to join in but they just wanted to sit and watch, they didn't want to join in! It was frustrating, and deafening might I add.

I had to keep near the front of the stage to try and engage the crowd but I could only see one or two people singing by the end of the third song 'Play The Game' which usually people would be singing along to and waving banners around. These lot were going to be hard, I could tell, and it was stressing all of us out.

We kept bringing the volume and the energy up to see if they would react and by the time 'Fat Bottomed Girls' swung around, they were up and jumping. I finally cracked a genuine smile as I saw the entire front row singing along and I could feel the stress easing off of all of us as people lightened up and got really into the show.

It soon came to Roger's timpani solo so all of us rushed off the stage as they got that set up and I saw Roger taking a swig of water before he got back up and started behind his kit. I stayed in the wings and watched for a little while then grabbed a pair of headphones that were given to me and quickly put them on to hear exactly what Roger was doing.

I added what I wanted from there and he looked over at me and smiled a little before he finished up on the kit and the lights went out for him to move. "Jesus Christ, ugh" I heard him say and giggled inwardly then gasped a little when I saw him back in the spotlight, he was wearing the silver necklace I got him for Christmas.


All of us had opened our presents and the boys were busy playing with theirs so I decided to give Roger one last little surprise. "Come with me, I've got something to show you" I said and took him up into the bedroom and covered his eyes with my hands once he was sat on the bed, "hold your hands out" I said and he put his hands out together, "keep them closed" I said and gently pulled my hands away from his eyes.

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