Chapter Sixteen

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I do not own Harry Potter or Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro characters. Only my OC Character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M for future sexual content and language.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Author Comments/


"Anyhow, since my plans are ruined, I'll just have to kill all of you," Kirihara says as he points at us.

"What? Kill us all?" Yako exclaims, surprised.

I let out a sigh. "They are all the same. Always resorting to threats."

"This massacre will be seen as Kishi's wrath, and it will be widely broadcasted-ki! Then, I will sell this whole town as a holy spot-ki!" He holds a bone in the air. A blast of wind surrounds him, causing everyone to cover their faces. I sense Neuro disappear from my side, no doubt to eat the mystery.

The wind disappears. "Wh-What?!" Ishigaki questions.

Neuro appears at my side once more as Kirihara drops to his knees and then falls onto his face. Neuro acts innocent and moves around my back. "What happened? Don't tell me it's the Dragon God's punishment. That's so harsh!"

Eventually, with everything solved, we get back to the car and continue to drive home. The radio is on as we do. "'Mayor Kirihara, who was arrested, kept on telling the police 'I saw Kishi!' 'This is Kishi's divine punishment.'"

"But, thanks to this, Kishi became famous." Yako points out. "The outcome made the town better, too."

"What are you talking about?" Godai demands. "How can a dragon really exist?" Godai, all of a sudden, lets out a yell.

"What is it?" Yako questions, leaning close.

Godai points out his window. "There's a dragon in the lake!"

"You're joking, where?! There's nothing..." Yako trails off.

"No, No, No! There is! I saw it with my own eyes!" Godai denies.

"It might be a worm or something like that." Yako teases.

"I don't have a damn worm!" Godai shouts, causing me to laugh.

Neuro once again rests his head in my lap as I run my fingers through his hair. He seems to relax more and fall asleep quicker when I do. I listen to Yako and Godai argue as we drive the rest of the way home.


~~~3rd POV~~~

An image of a brain appears as a man discusses it. "The creation of the intelligence is similar to the creation of the creature itself. The fact that both are created from nothing is unopposed. But what if we trace it? If it's possible to extract signals that the brain sends out, we can produce extreme intelligence rather easily."

The man has black hair and eyes, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He uses a stick and points at the brain. "Now, when such extreme intelligence is created, what possibilities might it bring?" A smirk appears on his face. "I'm Sure you can imagine it."

~~~Yuuki's POV~~~

It wasn't long after I got to the office that I had to head out with Neuro and Yako to a crime scene. I wear my manatee, grey and black princess dress, and silver coat. Luckily, I did, especially when we got to the scene.

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