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"Ya know, your the only one that complains about your gift" I mentioned as I searched for my name tag. "Oh where is it" I scoffed. "This isn't a gift Nov, it's a curse" he replied sucking a blood bag. "Oh whatever, your the only one that loathes it. Larry loves who he has become, and so does Shaun now that your teaching him. So why don't you?" I asked picking up a pillow. I could tell he rolled his eyes as, in a flash, he had my name tag in his palm with it stretched out towards me. "I've been this longer than they have. They don't understand what we can truly do" he continued. I took the name tag from his palm now just listening. "I've done things I'm not proud of, I've seen things that have frightened me forever" he finished. I frowned as I clipped my name tag on my shirt. "Like what?" I questioned. He sighed, "don't worry about that ok? You should get to work before you're late" he said as he began to lean down to kiss me. I lifted my hand to his cheek pushing his face away. "Ew no! Blood breath" I cringed. He chuckled as he kissed my forehead. "I'll bring some more for you 3" he nodded in response as he walked me to the door. "I'll get the door, wouldn't want the sun to burn you alive". He laughed as he just rolled his eyes with a grin. " so silly, you know that's a myth" he grinned. "I know, but it's still funny". . .



I squeezed my eyes before opening them. When I did, a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt sad but I don't know why. I got out of bed heading for the bathroom. I turned the knob on the sink allowing the cold water to run out. Looking in the mirror I noticed tear stains, many more than the one I just made. Those damn dreams! I don't understand them! It's always me with the same person. It's like memories, like I've actually lived through it all, but I know I haven't. I've never had someone in that way, and even if I did, I think I would remember. Plus, the whole— blood sucker,type, thing is just weird. Maybe it's some secret kink I never knew I had? "Just forget about it Nova" I said to my self. With that, I continued to get ready brushing the dream off my shoulder. I have more important things to worry about, like the meeting today with my client about her book. Once I was ready, I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter headed to my office. My office, 2 years I've had one and yet it still feels so good to say. My office.

Pulling up to the building, I saw her car and parked right next to it. She's early, she must be eager I thought to myself. I killed my engine hopping out and walking to the door. As soon as I swung the door open, there she was bouncing her leg up and down rapidly as if she were waiting for bad news. "Hey Brenda" I greeted and I walked over to her. "Hi Ms. Cartwright" she smiled nervously shaking my hands "Please, call me Nova. I chucked. Follow me please" I politely spoke, leading the way to my office. Once we got there I sat  my things down. "I'm so nervous I know you can tell" she breathed as she sat down. I Gave her a reassuring smile as I opened my computer. "Oh don't be, you know how I work" I told her. "Kind, but honest" she said. "Yes, yes, with that in mind you shouldn't be nervous about a thing. Now, on to your novel".

"Yes, sorry. So tell me what you think" she breathed out. "Well, I think your story is coming along amazingly" I grinned. She blew out a shaky, almost in relief. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means". "I love the tone, and I also enjoy the cliffhangers that you leave upon in each chapter. How I would suggest that you don't do that for literally every chapter, it could get repetitive, but that's just my opinion". As I continued to express my thoughts and feeling on her material she bobbed her head up and down with every few sentences I spoke. I could tell she was very much attentive and that she wants this. She wants this book to be published, and not just that, she wants it to be read. She wants it to be a good read to many, if not all readers. She wants what every writer wants. I see this as I spoke, I could see this as she shook my hand oh so firmly before turning to leave my office, I can see this because I was once her. In fact, I am her.

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