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Shaun and I had just gotten back from our movie not to long ago when Larry had dropped by. I would have liked to say I was happy to see him, but he had a smile on his face and half the time that doesn't mean good. Turns out, he had just came from feeding and he didn't heal his bite marks. "Bro you could have at least healed her bite marks, no one is going to believe she actually got bit by a damn dog Larry". "Humans are so oblivious it's really not even funny. Plus I thought you'd be proud of me big bro, I didn't even drain her. I let her live, give me some credit". Sometimes Larry does not think of the possibilities. "Larry I do not wanna flee another state because of your inability to think of all possible outcomes as a result of your recklessness" I scuffed. "Whatever bro, we should go get a coffee before heading to the club. I'm not feeling alcohol tonight" Larry suggested grabbing his jacket.  I nodded doing the same. "You guys gonna leave me out?" I heard Shaun's voice squill from behind us. "No shaun, you know I'd never leave you alone in my house" I chuckled as I spoke. He rolled his eyes. "Ok let's go" Larry opened the door walking out.

When we pulled up Larry and Shaun both unbuckled there seatbelts, but I locked there doors. "You only want to go in to flirt with the cashier" I said pointing at shaun. "And you only want to go in to feed on her" I said pointing at Larry, he shrugged his shoulders in agreement. "I'll go. One coffee black and another with 3 sugars and 3 creamers, correct?" "Yep" they both agreed. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I stepped out the car heading in.


Maybe my editor is right, maybe I do need to start over. I just thought inviting my audience into my word would help everyone to see things through a different lense. Love is so dressed up. Everyone is more focused on the lovey dovey love rather than when things actually begin to get real. I wanted to show that, but it seems I can't. My editor couldn't even grasp my concept on the story let alone my take on the complicated four letter word.
"I need another coffee" I groaned.


As I walked inside, I dug inside my pocket for a few dollars to pay for the drinks. The smell of brewing caffeine took over my senses. I looked down at my phone as I did this still walking to the cashier who also stood face down on her phone. Shaun had texted asking to have a cookie as well. That kid, always eating food. I ordered the drink and Shaun's cookie. As I waited I looked around the little shop. It was small but nice and fancy. I saw a few people sitting with their cups of joe talking to friends or working on their compu——— "shit" I cursed. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" I said once more. "Is there a problem?" The cashier asked. She looked very concerned as her forehead was wrinkled and lips were pursed. "Yes, well no. But, yes" I stuttered a bit. I kept staring at her. Not the cashier, but, her. I was becoming, I don't even know. My eyes kept getting wider the more I watched her. "Crush or ex" the cashier asked. "Um" I trailed. "Both, are those drinks ready yet?" I asked. "No, in fact they could take a minute". "It's fucking coffee, what could be the hold up" I'm sorry but I'm getting irritated. "You can't rush the brew" she smiled.

"Hey Brandy, could ya make another?" I heard her voice. I would have fainted had I not felt my heart beating so fast. Well physically it cannot do such thing, but for a moment it felt like it. I felt her footsteps approach behind me. Shit what do I do? "$5:82 Nova" Brandy told her. She stepped up to the desk beside me pulling out her cash. "You must be stumped on your book, this is your second cup" Brandy said getting out her change. "Yeah, I'm sorta off to a rough start". "Alright, here are your drinks sir. As well as your cookie" she smiled as she handed them to me. "Thank you" I said quickly grabbing them. "So, he has a twin I see" Nova stopped me. "You an asshole too?" I laughed. "I certainly hope not. My brother has some difficult ways but he's harmless, for the most part at least". She laughed as well before she walked away. I watched as she did. That woman, as beautiful from behind as she is in the front. I caught my self staring as she sat down and got back to work. I made my to the car with the drinks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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