mischief is beautiful, isnt it?

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Those enticing green eyes were part of what made Selene who she was

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Those enticing green eyes were part of what made Selene who she was. They could bend any being to her will. Man or woman, husband or wife.

She was one of the Pierce twins, who were currently deranged. Selene was feeling rather sadistic and could feel the urge of her magic flowing through her wanting to be released on anyone in its path. And at this moment, that person just so happened to be her twin brother. The defecating tension between the erratic siblings were a stark contrast to the beautiful and lavish ship they were aboard. Though the ship was fit for the utmost of royalty, the pungency of their friction left Selene hungry for a fight.

The urge to get inside his head and make him throw himself off a cliff was getting too hard to control. The feeling was completely mutual, as the other Pierce twin wanted to do the same. Except Lycon would have to use brutal force in order to get Selene to plummet to the ground in immense pain.

But, even if either of them were able to get a hand on each other, their mother Katerina had been watching with a look of pure annoyance but admiration at her two children. With their father, Salvatore right next her, her small and elegant hand embracing his. His large and sturdy hands dwarfed her; him being a tall and fierce and unforgiving man, with brilliant bright blue eyes that his son so beautifully inherited, that could oh so graciously fool anyone into doing what he pleased. And with greying hair and beard, that adorned his face with strong cheekbones and jawline. And their mother, a gorgeous woman with pale smooth skin and long dark black hair with piercing green eyes to match,that the other Pierce twin Selene had beautifully worn as well.

With those eyes Selene inherited,anyone would be at her will. They would fall into a trance state that Selene could use to her advantage, so she could control them. Make them do as she pleased. Not only just her eyes have unspeakable power over any being, but her beauty did the trick, with her with long black hair that so elegantly fell into beautiful curly waves. And soft pale skin just like her mother. Would spell them into making them stay and do as she invoked. Her enchanting melancholy voice made them stay, their hearts craving more and more.

Now her brother,was a man that could make any woman fall to her knees. His beauty was enchanting like his sisters,but definitely not as powerful. Although it came extremely close. He was a rather gorgeous man,with ocean eyes and thick short dark brown hair with supple pink lips and strong cheekbones and jawline. Much like his father,yes he could have woman swooning at one glimpse.

The Queen watched her two children with great admiration as they stared each other down. Not to her surprise Selene looked quite enticingly terrifying. She knew that Selene or Lycon would never kill each other, but she knew damn well that they would most definitely cause great harm to each other. Although Selene was quite dangerous and unpredictable, and Lycon was ruthless and horrifying when provoked. There was one difference between the two. And that was that no matter what, Selene would kill if it meant her own life would be safe.

"How bloody long does it take to get there mother?" Selene growls, leaning against the wall with her two raven haired wolves by her on each side. "All this traveling is making me want to bash my head against a wall and end it all now."

"Well that would be a sight to see, please, sister go on." Lycon wittily says, turning away briefly from his books of magic and potions he was currently studying.

"Lycon, you and I both know that it is your job to do something as stupid as bashing your head against the wall and hope for something actually smart to come from it." She replies sharply, not so subtly flipping him off with her right hand. "So back to what I first asked, how long until we reach there so my dear brother and I, can set fire to Asgard with some mischief?" She asked with fire dancing in her eyes. The need to cause some kind of destruction, rather than brutally hitting her brother was becoming to much to bare.

"We will arrive soon Selene." Her mother replies. "And no there will be no chaos or mischief what so ever while we are visiting. We are going there for a celebration, and we will have plenty of time to settle down and become comfortable." Salvatore adds while looking to his daughter with a little annoyance.

Selene only sarcastically smiles to her father, but knowns she will have to cause a little chaos. For it is only in her nature to do so. "Lycon, shall you teach me some of your work so I will at least have something to enjoy while we are there?" Selene askes with a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. Selene had no intention of listening to her father. And Lycon could fully tell, and couldn't help the slight smirk that reached his beautiful face. Even though his sister could annoy him very much at times, he loved her dearly and would gladly take her place in death.

So with that slight smirk he replied "Why yes sister, I would happily teach you some of my work. That is if you wont fall on your face while doing so." he says with sarcasm laced in his voice still smiling at her with that smirk. He couldn't help but laugh at the annoyance that quickly took place on his sisters face.

Slowly Selene sits up from her spot next to her wolves and tangles her hands in their fur to calm herself. "Oh shut it Lycon, I am fully capable of controlling your puny work." she growls back. It is completely obvious that Selene has a temper.

"Selene, my dear sister, you can hardly control your own magic let alone my 'puny work' as you call it. Not to mention your own wolves might I add." Lycon calls as he walks to the other side of the room. Selene, in frustration leans back in her seat and shuts her eyes trying to collect her anger that is bubbling inside her at this moment.

"At least I dont look like the mad hatter, idiot."


"Selene," a faint voice speaks from above. "Wake the bloody hell up."

Selene smacks at what ever is above her and feels something hard come into contact with her hand and a small yelp. She lazily opens her eyes and they come into contact with the blue ones that belong to her brother. Obvious annoyance in them, not something she's not accustomed with.

"We are here, get up and get ready the royal family are waiting for our presence in the throne room." Lycon stares at his sister with a smirk evident on his face and runs his hand through his dark brown hair. "Who knows, maybe one of the princes will fall under your spell."



"Do shut up."

Lycon snorts amused by his sister. "Lovely as always sister."

As soon as Selene closes her eyes fully intent on falling back asleep. Suddenly, Selene is lifted by her arms and roughly dropped to the floor. Selene screams and could hear her brothers maniacal laugh and quick footsteps as he runs away.

Selene quickly gets to her feet and yells to her brother. "Did you seriously just drop me to the floor you brutish twit?!" she cries as she chases after him.

As soon as she gets to him, he picks her up and she struggles to get free. "I swear to the Gods, if you drop me again I will not hesitate to let my wolves eat you!" she yells out once again

"Im not going to drop you calm down," Lycon says calmly, but mockingly lets go of her and she clings to him for dear life until he catches her. His booming laughter stings Selenes ears enough to possibly make her ears bleed.

1,386 words

That's the end of the first chapter!
I hope you guys are liking it so far
In the next chapter,Selene with finally meet Loki and Thor.


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