✩*• books. •*✩

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AU with amy owning her own second hand bookstore instead of being a police officer.

the sound of the bell ringing echoed from the rusty door. my foot slipped off the desk as i fumbled with my book in surprise. hardly anyone comes in here. as i slowly stood up to greet the customer, i watch as they open the door with a creak, the door nearly falling off its hinges. a goofy looking male steps into my secondhand bookshop and trips over the small step. i reach my hand out as if to will him from falling.

"oh sorry, careful about that... step"

my voice failed me as i looked into the mans eyes. he smiled as small dimples were shown in the creases of his mouth. i tried to smile back but it probably looked terrifying. i don't usually interact with many people. let alone... gods.

shit. i guess i'm meant to say something.

"uh, hello! welcome to Preloved Books! take your time to look around, i'll be here if you need anything."

i flash him a toothy grin as he looks up rather embarrassed. it's only then that i notice he's wearing a police uniform for the NYPD.

"do you have any classics?"

he asked me, flashing his signature grin again. dang i've only seen him smile twice and already think it's spectacular.

"y-yeah. basically what we mainly have! i'll show you over though."

i'm not quite sure why i decide to leave the desk, as the store was tiny and he could've found what he was looking for easily. although i'm not sure as to why he asked, either.

i leave my book on the desk closed, mentally reminding myself of the page number. i walk the opposite way around the middle bookshelf and meet him on the other side.

"basically, these two rows hold-"

"do you want to go grab a coffee?"

in my flustered state, i managed to knock a pile of books behind me as my mouth hung open. 4 books crashed to the ground but i didn't flinch in the moment.

"w-what?? me?"

i push my glasses up my nose as he looks into my eyes. these are mainly just reading glasses, but i rarely take them off in this store as that's all i do anyway.

"coffee? it's ok if you don't want to, i get it. i actually... don't read a lot. i'm totally up for suggestions! i just happen to know a guy who knows you too."

i nod and reach behind me haphazardly as i try to pick up the dropped books. god as if this whole thing could get more cliche, i manage to trip backwards.

ironically, this wasn't as romantic as i thought, because in the flurry my pointed shoe flew off my foot into the air and smashed into his nose. he stumbled back slightly from shock before reaching forward to try to catch me. god, what a mess i am. i land into the pile of books on the floor with a grunt as my glasses fall off and my hair sprays out everywhere.

i notice the man grab a tissue from the desk and stuff it up his nose before helping me up. wow. not only did i just kick a guy square in the nose, but it was the same guy who just asked me on a date. i blushed furiously at the thought.

chuckling, he reaches forward and grabs a hold of my forearm, lifting me off the ground.

"the name's jake, and you're the girl i'll be taking out later?"

"amy, and yes. that sounds wonderful."

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