✩*• hand. •*✩

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AU where you feel everything that happens to your soulmate.

[ j a k e ]

it all began in year 8, when my leg started pulsing with sudden pain. i let out a groan and checked to see what i had done, but my leg looked fine. people in the class had turned around, murmuring about soulmates and how lucky i was. but in the moment, i didn't feel lucky.

my parents never really liked the idea of soulmates, but i think that's because they never found theirs. my mum believes hers died many years ago as she's felt no pain since, and dad just gave up. i could never understand their logic. if there was someone out there for you, wouldn't you want to know who it was?

there were times growing up, when i would walk down the streets banging my hand on things, just enough to ache, to see if anyone reacted. but no one ever did. i never thought about how she would feel from constantly having an aching hand. well, at least it was my left.

✩*•  .  •*•  .  •*✩

[ a m y ]

my job is interesting, we'll put it that way. i work at a stationery store and let me tell you, i'm pretty sure it's my dream job. i get to see all the new seasonal binders and get the first look at them. it's so exhilarating!

but my soulmate... doesn't make it easy. he must be constantly hurting himself because i always wake up aching. i'm left handed (k i know amy isn't it's just for this chapter), and so he makes it so difficult for me to do anything really. when i was younger, i used to try and injure my own right hand just to get back at him. but he never stopped.

it was a friday morning and i was told to restock the pens and pacers in isle 2. we had a rather large store, selling desk chairs and tables. we had arrived early to set up the shop before pulling began to mill around aimlessly. i was looking through the new erasable pens, when i suddenly dropped everything.


my ankle started to ache and i fell to the ground to hold it and stretch it out, knowing it wouldn't make a difference. the pens flew around me, coming dangerously close to my eyes. i tried to bat them away unsuccessfully, with several landing on my head and arms. jesus what a klutz he is, rolling his ankle all the time like that.

"hey are you feeling ok?"

my boss ran around the corner after hearing the commotion. i looked up at her and smiled,

"yeah, just my silly soulmate again."

she smiled sadly, knowing i haven't met mine yet. i don't think she means to be, but she can come off as very condescending at times. she met hers when she was young, and she seems to pity everyone else constantly. it's kinda annoying.

as she started to walk away, i rolled over to the other leg and tried to stand up without too much injury. but i froze, it felt like someone was staring right at me. i looked around subconsciously. i scanned the shelves and looked out of the long window opposite. and that's when i saw him.

my eyes instantly locked into his. swimming in a sea of blue and i was lost, all sense of reality had left me. he too, was on the floor. clutching a rather swollen ankle in the same position as i. could this be?

a cheeky smile spread across his face as he lifted his left hand before hitting it onto the ground.


our yells mashed together and swirled into the morning air. tears swelled up to my eyes as i stared at him. i didn't want to leave and get closer to him, and it seemed like he didn't want to either. we were just so content staring into each other's eyes and reading the souls that lay before us.

my soulmate.

hey i'm sorry, i didn't want to do too many author notes, but this isn't very good hehe. if any of you have any ideas please lemme know! i thought i had heaps but when i finally started writing they all vanished...
thank you guys xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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