✩*• daughter. •*✩

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my own continuation from what's been shown in season 5.

"she looks so... squishy."

amy tries to laugh at my joke, despite her eyes constantly trying to close against her will. exhausted, she reaches over to her small daughter with a shaky hand, seemingly unbelieving that this is actually real. she gasps at how her hand feels against the purple looking skin, the way her fingers melt slightly into her. i am generally more emotional than amy (god, i've been crying this whole time), but even she is shedding tears at the long awaited sight.

i watch her from the chair next to the cot. i feel like this is a moment i will remember forever, suspended in time as we age together and watch our daughter grow. i observe amy's hand slowly becomes slack over the passing minutes, asleep. with a chuckle, i stand up quietly and look down at the cot. amy's hand is practically the size of our child.

our child.

a shiver rolls through my spine at the thought. these last months have been horrific, amy had such a difficult pregnancy last time and... well, we knew this one had to be different. we were so ready to introduce adam to the world, but a miscarriage was all it took to take that from us. we named him early in our excitement, thinking we could actually keep him.

i reach down tenderly towards her. lauren, is her name. our little lauren. we named her after she was born this time, we were too afraid.

i watch as her fingers curl up into a fist in her sleep. the two loves of my life sleep peacefully beside each other and i hold back a sob. a happy sob, nonetheless. why am i so damn lucky? almost instantly, lauren starts to cry.

spoke too soon i suppose.

i try to hurry towards lauren to calm her down so amy wouldn't wake, but it was too late. with a shush, amy opens her blearyeyes and lifts her out of the cot, bringing lauren into her arms. the crying, however, wouldn't stop.

"maybe she needs you?"

any glances over at me in my daze, snapping me awake again.

"m-me? why me? i'm not her mother and she would need you over m-"

amy shushes me as she did with lauren and i feel guilty for arguing. i chuckle as i stand up again and head over to the hospital bed. amy looks up at me from under her eyelashes as she pats the bed. i haven't held lauren yet. i thought she'd want to be with her mum instead. but her cries are waking up the people around us and i can hear a nurse from down he hall rushing to us.

amy lifts lauren slightly and hands her to me like a prize (which, i suppose, she is). gingerly, i reach out and wrap my arms around her small frame. surprisingly, there's silence again. i look up at amy with alarm, and she laughs.

"you haven't killed her jake, you just stopped her crying."

i grin down at lauren again as a nurse hurried into the room, opening the door. with a grateful huff, she smiles before leaving us alone again, shutting the door behind her.

as i sit on that old hospital bed, holding my alive and healthy daughter, everything feels ok. actually, everything feels amazing.

because i have her now. my little lauren.

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