Chapter 2

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The same boy who happened to be standing a little too close. I took a step back.

Running a hand through the back of his hair he spoke again.

'That poster you were looking at? Harry was my favourite, such a shame that he got stabbed."

What a deep voice he had. Deep but smooth and almost musical. He also looked vaguely familiar.

As he spoke he unconsciously kept flicking the hair out of his eyes. I noticed that despite the  bandana he wore, it kept falling into his face.

He needed a haircut..

Okay seriously why was I so obsessed with hair lately?

Once my brain had stopped automatically judging I realised that I was supposed to answer him not just stare.

Wait what had he said? Oh yeah...

A splutter of laughter burst out of my mouth.

He looked confused.

"Harry?" I scoffed. 

"His name was John. John Lennon and he got shot. Not stabbed. Get it right." I fired, crossing my arms.

He looked so hurt that I immediately felt awful.

I was just about to say something else, when I saw his wounded look had changed. It'd been replaced by something else entirely.

He started laughing.


What the hell was wrong with him? This was not a funny moment. I'd expected him to get angry, not laugh at me. Right in my face.

I was so not glad to see his stupid grin was back.

He'd stopped laughing by now and he reached up for the bandana on his head. He tried to pull it from his hair but it got stuck. I hid a smirk.

"Hang on.. got it."

Bandana in his hand he crossed his arm across his body, closed his eyes, bent his legs and bowed.

What on earth...

"Fairwell my lady."

I heard the tinkling of chimes and he'd gone before I even realised he was going.


I trudged home feeling worse than I had when I woke up.

I kept replaying the conversation I'd had with that strange boy in my head. First of all what had his bizarre bowing been all about? What did he mean by 'my lady'? And laughing in my face! How dare he be so rude to me. If I saw him again I'd tell him exactly what I thought of him.

Then I saw him again.

There was no mistaking those faded grey skinny jeans and that black band t-shirt.

Was he stalking me? No. He was walking in front of me, I must be the one stalking him.

Feeling brave, I decided I'd approach him and make him apologize for his rudeness.

I'd just quickened my pace when he suddenly ducked to the right and disappeared down an alley.


I followed him.

I was too intrigued as to why he'd gone down there not to.

The alley was longer than I'd anticipated and by the time I reached it he'd gone again.

At the bottom of it I found myself with two options. Left or right. I chose right.

Don't ask me why.

Ally and ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now