Chapter 4

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"So what have you been up to? How have you been?"

Was she for real? This girl who I'd (foolishly) labelled my best friend, had just spent the past hour nonstop babbling on about her week away to Venis where she'd met a gorgeous Italian Angelo or Alonzo I forget which one, and  fallen in love and yeah.. I'd stopped listening after that.

I hadn't even managed to tell her the details of my mini mental breakdown I'd had that week, where I'd sunk into a well of pity, self sorrow, depression etc.

No her holiday was more important.

"Fine. Actually I- "

"Allison! This would look absolutely perfect on you!" Cara squealed, interrupting me by piercing my eardrums and thrusting a sparkly red ugly thing into my arms.

I struggled to balance it on top of the pile of other billion dresses I was carrying, that were all 'absolutely perfect for me'.

"Um don't you think I might have enough now?" I didn't want to spoil her fun but I was full sure that I had had more than enough.

Cara looked deep in thought as she picked the nail varnish off her nails with her teeth.

She nodded "Yeah you're probably right. Come on girl it's time to get down to business!"


My shoulders sagged as for the hundrenth time, I pulled back the curtain unhappily.

"Oh.. well the orange is nice."

Cara sat patiently with her long tanned legs crossed on the comfy chairs I longed to collapse on and sleep, whilst instead I tried on dress after dress that clashed horribly with my hair.

I laughed. "It's digusting.''

She nodded sympathetically.

All of a sudden she bounced up.

"Hang on I think I know what you need. I'll be right back." she pushed her sunglasses from her eyes and rested them on top of her long wavy brown hair.

I could never understand why she wore them indoors.

I watched her hips sway as she marched away in her floral summer dress and denim jacket.

Tall and slender, Cara was model material. She knew it and everybody else knew it. With her curvy figure, tanned complexion and her long-lashed brown eyes, she was never short of male attention.

I on the other hand, with my fair skin, blue eyes and dead straight blonde hair, well, not anymore, am pale in comparison.

My figure, unlike Caras is scrawny and I unfortunately inherited the notorious short gene from my mother.

I can truthfully say we are complete opposites.

Personality- wise too. Hers, fiery and opinionated yet confident and friendly. I'm usually more quiet and well yeah, I don't really know how else to describe myself.

I guess you could say we worked well together, despite being polar opposites. I usually let Cara take charge and be the voice of our friendship. I kind of just go along with it.

We were like apple crumble and ice-cream. An open book and a closed one. Sometimes I wish it would change. Wished I could stand up to her, voice my own opinions.

It's been that way since forever.


''So let me get this straight, you met a boy, you followed a boy, you went to some physco coffee shop with a boy, he then claimed to not even like coffee, you drank the most amazing cappuccino you've ever had in your life, wait.. Why would he bring you to a coffee shop if he hates coffee?"

"I wondered that too." For some reason it bugged me how she'd described it with the word 'physco'.

"Did you not demand an explanation?"

"Well yes, no.. kind of! I just asked why did he-"


"He just told me I looked like a girl he once knew who needed a coffee."

"What? What is that supposed to mean?"

I had no idea.

"I have no idea. Most of what came out of his mouth didn't make much sense."

She sniggered. "Whatever, so then after buying you a coffee you 'looked like you needed', he just vanished? He didn't even ask for your number or anything?"

It sounded bad when she said it like that. It plainly said that he wasn't interested. I could completely understand why he wasn't. Whereas he'd left maybe too much of an impression on me, I most likely had not done the same in the slightest.

"He just said something along the lines of 'Until next time pretty girl. I think if we are meant to see each other again, we will.' Then he winked and left."

"Daayumn girl!"


"He so likes you."

"How did you possibly manage to come up with that crazy conclusion?"

"Three obvious facts which obviously state the obvious!"

"And they are?.."

"First off he approached you, secondly he bought you coffee, thirdly he called you pretty, winked and basically said that he wants to see you again and that you are his destiny."

I whacked her with my shopping bag.

"Okay that sounds just a bit creepy Cara. My stalker senser alarms are ringing. Stalker alert! In what way, shape or form did he say I am his destiny anyway? He's just a boy, an overly forward boy, a complete stranger who no doubt buys several different girls coffee every day."

" 'Just a boy' who you happened to spend the entire walk home describing in detail?"

I blushed.

"And be careful with that bag missus! That dress cost me dearly." she called over her shoulder to me as she walked up her drive.

"See ya. Thank you again! So much."

The dress had been her treat to me. Seeing as though she hadn't gotten me a present from Venis she'd said.

Cara had actually come up trumps. What she'd brought back was strapless and white. It hugged me on the top half and was decorated with lacey embroidery, the bottom was plainand hung loosely around my knees.

I'd tried it on and even she'd been lost for words.

"Beautiful" she'd breathed.

I'd actually felt it too.

Probably for the first time in my life.

I felt almost excited for prom now.



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