Chapter 5

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A/N Hold your horses! I would just like to give a high five or a hug whichever you prefer, to the people who have read/ voted/ commented on this story so far. I know theres only a few of you, but I love every single one of you. It seriously means the world to me! X

Walking into the kitchen I could hear someone humming, I stopped short when I realised it was me.

Thats when it dawned on me that I didn't feel sad anymore.

I felt something entirely different, more powerful.

It felt good. Good and slightly familiar, yet at the same time completely unfamiliar.

Like when you come across an old forgotten toy that you used to love.

I was puzzled as to why I suddenly felt like this. Three days ago I'd been convinced I didn't want to see daylight again. Ever.

I know that I'd maybe over-reacted. But I knew I couldn't let them do this to me anymore. I couldn't break everytime my parents fired rocks in my direction.

I couldn't let them break me or my dreams. I wouldn't change to please them.

Thats when the fog, the smoke, the dark shadows and the uncertainty all vanished.

I knew what I had to do.

The noise of a sniffling human interupted my deep meanigful revelations. My head snapped in the direction of where it'd come from.

"Mrs Hanna?" I moved hesitantly towards her.

Her back was turned to me and her head hung over whatever she was chopping with a knife on the worktop.

"A-are you okay?"

I stood beside her and stared in disbelief at what she'd done.

She hadn't chopped the carrots.

She'd hacked maniacally at them.

Each carrot was in three of four pieces and so unevenly cut it looked as if they'd been torn apart by teeth.

Now this woman had OCD worse than my mother and was more of a perfectionist than lets say.. a professional cake decorater? Anyway this behaviour wasn't just surprising, I knew something was seriously wrong.

"Are you okay!? What happened Mrs Hanna??"

There was a huge clatter as the butter knife she'd been using dropped to the floor bringing most of the carrots with it.

That did it.

A huge sob filled the room and her shoulders began to shake violently.

"It's okay Hanna it's going to be alright." I soothed and held her until my shoulder was damp.

As her tears poured out my heart began to slowly fill with dread as I thought how the first and last time I'd seen her cry was the day she'd told me about Sylvan.

"It's not."

She'd whispered it so quietly and it'd been so long since I'd spoken that it took me a while to realise what she meant.

"It's not going to be okay Allison. He got out."

I was in such a state off shock that I barely even registered that for the first time in the ten years she'd worked for our family she'd called me by just my name.


I officially no longer have a job. I'd love to say that I quit, but the terrible truth is that I'd been fired.

Apparently being sick for two weeks, turning up with blue hair and 'acting distracted' means I no longer 'fit the criteria' needed to work behind the counter of a perfume shop.


I'd hated that job anyway.

It gave me headache and the girls who worked there and that god awful snob of a manager are honestly the most shallow people I have ever met.

I know I don't need a job to get me through collage. My parents have more than enough, something I was grateful for. I knew how difficult it was for some kids and their families.

For me it had been about the independece. I hate spending their money.  I hate having to rely on them when I am capable of doing it myself.

There's a lot of things I hate.

I'd only gotten work there because Amy the manager is part of moms little club of friends who dont have anything better to talk about than money and people.

Obviously she is oblivious to other peoples feelings as her idea of 'being distracted' is any normal persons idea of someone turning up to work with red rimmed eyes barely managing to hold it together.

How was I meant to smile at customers when the only person who loved me for who I am, gave me the care and affection my mother deprived me from, was right back at home probably still in tears?

How was I meant to care which perfume smelt better on the wrist of a lady who probably had more bottles at home than we sold in the shop?

I couldn't.

I didn't want to either.

I told Amy there were more important things than this that I had on my mind.

That didn't go down very well as you can see.

I'd only gone in today as Hanna had forced me too. She told me she was going for a nap anyway.

I ripped my nametag for Amys stupid perfume boutique into shreds, chucked it in the bin and rushed home.

I needed to be there for her more than I'd ever need that job.


Ally and ElliottМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя