Boy Eats (Practically) Everything

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"Angel, seriously you're going to make yourself sick."

The blue eyes looked at him as if he had asked him to stop breathing, and it didn't help that Mark had made one of his favorite dishes tonight. Jack's round belly no longer was able to fit comfortably underneath his kitchen table when food was served, so mark had to get more creative than usual when feeding the love of his life. TV trays were something that Mark had turned up his nose to once upon a time, but now they surrounded the Irishman like a sturdy collection of guards holding different types of food.

Mark had always been able to show his love through cooking, and even though Jack occasionally would grumble about wanting second and third helpings, the giant grin on his face was all the taller man needed to know how much he was appreciated. Jack was horrible in the kitchen, and the well worn take out menus that were placed lovingly on top of the overused microwave was proof of this. It took a week or two for Mark to be able to get the father of his baby to eat anything that wasn't served at a restaurant or in a to go container, but now so many months later it was as if Jack couldn't wait to eat home cooked food as much as possible.

After a long talk about trying to spend more time together that wasn't involving work or sex, Mark agreed that they should spend breakfast together as much as they could. The delicate smells of the morning was the only thing that worked to make the Irishman get out of bed and waddle his way to the shower. If his pout was particularly cute he could coax his boyfriend in with him, where they would hug, kiss and eventually get clean. The baby was always talked about whenever they could do so, and soon they would be walking hand in hand to and awaiting taxi.

It was with a lot of coaxing that Mark had been able to convince Jack that at over six months pregnant, and now fairly famous, that he shouldn't take the subway to work. It's not like many people would recognize him and ask off putting questions, but Mark was permanently on "protection mode". It's like every sharp edge of the world and unasked pair of hands were gravitating toward their precious coffee bean. Even Jack rolled his eyes at how his baby's father seemed to keep him wrapped up in his arms at just the slightest concern.

"She was just congratulating me," Jack sighed after Mark had given their dry cleaning lady the once over.

"The way she was patting your belly," Mark grumbled back. "Sami prefers rubs. I even tried to - "

"You practically hissed at the lady like she smacked the baby on the head with the palm of her hand," Jack giggled back. "Do I need to give you a time out?"

Jack giggled again at the way Mark crossed his arms and huffed. Granted, he knew that he was being a little ridiculous but Jack didn't have to be so quick to point it out. 

Another consequence of taxi rides the few days that Jack went into the office was the additional stops. Everything sweet was calling to him, no matter what route to work that they would take. Whether it was a few banana muffins from Donna's, or a giant slice of pie from that cute little bakery right down the street, Mark's wallet would be opened and Jack's smile would grow wider as he grabbed at new delicious treats.

"Didn't you just eat?" Sylvia asked every once in a while as she took another order of food.

She was the only one brave enough to point this out. Mark usually would just cough as she received the death glare from his boyfriend.

"It's not for me," Jack replied, tilting his head down towards his belly.

"The baby needs more than sweets," Sylvia said back, with an audible forcefulness in her tone. "I'll only get you another couple of donuts if you get a salad for lunch."

The look of annoyance almost made her laugh, but she was able to just hold it in. The sound of her beloved boss struggling with this ultimatum was fun to watch, and at the end he had two gooey donuts on a small plate at his desk, and the PA had ordered a large garden salad for his lunch.

"How did you get him to do that?" Mark asked as he watched her finish placing the order over the phone.

"When you've known him as long as him you figure out what works," she chuckled back. "It also helps that I'm not in love with him. You're a pushover for those blue eyes, Mark."

Part of him wanted to disagree, but yeah, she was right.

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