Chapter 1

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•~* Miku *~•

We were on a sofa, all cuddled up together, watching tv.

"This channel is boring." I huffed.

"Well, that's because the tv is not even on yet." Len replied.

"I'm bored. I wanna go outside and play." I spoke, ignoring his previous comment as I got up.

"Sure." He replied nonchalantly whilst getting up too.

"LaSt OnE oUt wiLL dO tHe DiShEs FoR a MoNtH!" I yelled, sprinting to the door without looking back as I laughed hysterically.

"WhAt!?" Len yelled back as he jolted with energy and ran to the door too.


"Haha! I win!" I said proudly as I put my hands on my hips.

"That's not fair, I wasn't ready!" Kagamine retorted.

"Well, in life, Kagamidio-"

"Oh no you didn-!"

I cleared my throat as I continued.

"In life, you must always be prepared for anything." I finished, as I looked at him with a grin.

"Right..." He muttered, looking back at me.

We stayed staring at each other for a comfortable 15 seconds when all of a sudden;

"LaSt OnE iN tHe HoUsE iS a SaCk Of PoTaToEs." Kagamidiot yelled as he started mimicking what I did before too.

"Oh No He DiDn'T."

I started sprinting into the house but he has already reached there.

"Haha! I win!" Len yelled as he gave me a cocky grin.

"That's not fair! I wasn-"

"Yeah, that was what I said too, but Miku, someone once told me that in life, we must always be prepared." He said with a dramatic face expression and accent.

"Haha, very funny, Len." I spoke sarcastically as I pouted back at his still-smiling face.

"Well then, let's start being more mature about this." I continued with a serious-look on my face "LaSt PeRsOn iNtO oUr RoOm HaS tO wEaR tHe OtHeR's cLoThiNg!"

"Oh helllll no!"

I crashed into our room, and I made it first. Meanwhile, Len was behind me.

"I guess I deserve something eye-gasm worthy." I snickered.

"Oh gosh, why are you so into stuff like this?" He mumbled, dramatically collapsing on the wooden floor on his knees and looking down.

"Hey, it's okay..." I bent down, combing my fingers through his blonde locks as I grinned at him.

•~* Len *~•

I tilted my head up as I looked at her with a relieved smile. I knew Hatsune wouldn't be that cruel. She looked like an angel for one moment. 


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