Meet: Brady Tutton

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#1. He's 16 years old
#2. He's still in High School
#3. He had a hard time talking because he would stutter
#5. He found out that he wouldn't stutter when he sang
#6. He has an awesome fashion sense
#7. He was born in 2001
#8. His brother toured with the broadway show called Oliver
#9. He lived the touring ages at 2 and 3
#10. He's lived in planes and hotel rooms
#11. Brady's older sister has a recurring role on a television show
#12. He made it his mission to be different than his siblings and sing R&B and Hip Hop
#13. Brady has studied classical music since he was 12
#14. He can sing show tunes
#15. Brady's goal is to make it in the music business
#16. He likes to Skateboard and Snowboard
#17. Occasionally he likes to play Tennis
#18. He loves to cook.

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