BoyBand: You Tell Him Your Pregnant

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Michael Conor: It was after he had won BoyBand and you were starring at him with his mom and siblings. His mom knew you were pregnant as well as his siblings but he didn't know. His mom saw you starring at them. "Y/N come over here your part of the family." She said. You went over to where they were. "Michael kids Y/N has something to tell you." She said. "What is it?" He asked. "Michael we may be young but I'm pregnant." You said. "Wow Y/N that's amazing." He said. Then he turned to his mom. "Are you ok with a grand child?" He asked. "Sure y'all are young but your mature and you now have a good job so yeah." She said. His siblings are so happy. Then y'all take a family selfie and then just one of you and Michael. This was a great time to tell him because he just won BoyBand and now he has a child on the way. He's so so so happy.

Chance Perez: You found them after the show was over. You went over to them and the first one to see you was Brooklyn. She didn't say anything she just ran over to you. Then you walked over to the side just enough where Chance and his mom and Emma couldn't hear. "Brooklyn I have something to ask you." You said. She just looked at you. "How would you feel about being a big sister?" You asked. She smiled and hugged you really tight. "I have something for you." You said. You pulled out a sweater that said big sister on it. You put it on her and then you held her to your chest so she wouldn't give away that your pregnant. "Chance I'm so happy for you." You said. "Thanks Y/N hey Brooklyn." He said. "Hi daddy." She said. Then you whispered in her ear. "Ok it's time to show him." You whispered to her. "Chance Emma Shawnee Brooklyn has something to show you." You said. "What is it Brooklyn?" He asked. You flipped her around and held her in front of you. "I'm gonna be a big sister." They all read. They got so excited and they were so happy for you. Chance cried and hugged you. He was really really happy.

Brady Tutton: You waited until the day he came home to tell him. His mom dad brother and sister knew that you were pregnant but they kept it a surprise. You also got a job so that's also part of it. And a new car because you all of a sudden had loads of money. He came home and right then and there is when you told him and he was so happy for you. Happy.

Drew Ramos: He had just come home from hanging out with his friend and 4th Ave member Mikey Jimenez and you were asleep on the couch. So while you were on the couch he wanted to scare you so he did and that's when you told him you were pregnant. He was shocked but he was happy none the less.

Sergio Calderon: You were sadly sick and you were trying to get out of the shower because you were finally cleaned when you fell and you broke your leg so now you have to deal with that and then Sergio showed up and that's when you told him you were pregnant and he was happy but he wanted that leg took care of first. But he was still happy.

Devin Hayes: You were on FaceTime with him while you were taking the test you had peed in a cup and all you had to do was take the test and you were gonna find out if you were pregnant. "What does it say?" He asked after your timer went off on your phone. "Devin I'm pregnant." You said. Devin was happy and so were you but it was mostly Devin.

Mikey Jimenez: He was filming his music video for 4th Ave's YouTube Channel XOXO and you were there to support him every step of the way and once the video was over he found you asleep in his chair while waiting on him. He also found you wearing a shirt that says we have a baby on the way and it has a cartoon baby and the shirt also has a cartoon zipper on it so it looks kinda cool. He was so happy but he didn't want to wake you up. He carried you to where he was gonna sit until everyone was ready to leave. Once you got to where he was staying at for the night you were so tired. But you knew that he knew because you fell asleep with a smile on your face and so did Mikey.

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