Meet: Sergio Calderon

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#1. His parents are from Mexico
#2. He likes to perform in street corners
#3. He likes to hangout with friends
#4. He was in the process of being signed onto a professional soccer team
#5. It was hard for him to tell his parents that he quit soccer and he wanted to do music
#6. His parents supported him
#7. He has a large family
#8. His parents own a cleaning business
#9. He spends 8 to 10 minutes on his hair
#10. He has a twin brother and 2 older sisters
#11. He's a high school graduate
#12. He looks like Bruno Mars
#13. He speaks Spanish and English fluently
#14. He knows some French
#15. He feels like he is the leader
#16. He was the captain of his soccer team
#17. His brother joe continued his soccer playing in college and he had surgery because he tore his ACL
#18. His parents weren't thrilled about him quitting soccer at first but now they're supportive of him making music

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