BoyBand: How You React To Him Winning/Losing BoyBand

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Michael Conor: Your happy for him and after the shock wears off you start crying because your just so happy that he won.

Chance Perez: Your over the moon and your so happy that you end up doing a handstand and you call everyone you know to tell them the news.

Brady Tutton: Your just so happy and since you couldn't come your screaming from the inside of the house and you end up losing your voice from screaming so loud.

Drew Ramos: Your so happy that when he gets home you throw a party with his family and it's a surprise and your just gonna keep celebrating that he won BoyBand.

Sergio: Your so happy that you literally start breathing heavily and you start crying so hard that you get dizzy and your with his grandma and she sees you and your happy state for her grandson that she calls his mom so that you can talk to him.

Devin Hayes: Your sad but someone came up to you guys when you were walking out of the studio where they do BoyBand. "Hello young man I'm a record agent and our company seen how far you've come while you were on BoyBand and they told me to give you this card. They want to sign a deal with you Im a week if you want it. My number is there call me and I'll make it happen." He said. You and Devin were so happy and excited.

Mikey Jimenez: You were so sad that you wore his clothes and you went up to him and hugged him. Before he left the studio where they filmed BoyBand "Uncle Tim" came up to him and the other finalists. "Hey I know y'all didn't win but y'all should be a group and you can work under my company. Y'all have my number text me with a name and your music career shall start." He said and then he left. He was shocked that all he did was kiss you. His music career is finally gonna begin.

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