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*Hae Ra*

"Again!" her Mother's sudden raise of her tone, startled poor Hae Ra as she placed her bruised fingers against the keyboards. Hae Ra started playing the piece that she has been playing for the past three hours. Then a sharp pain was felt on her knuckles when the stick that her Mom was holding, made a contact with her skin. This caused Hae Ra to wince in pain. "That was too slow. Again!" her Mother shrieked right at Hae Ra's ears, making her almost deaf. Hae Ra is having enough of this nonsense, she has been holding her anger for the past three hours, no she has been holding her anger since she turned 8. Hae Ra bursted. "How can I play properly if you wrapped all of my fingers together with a tape, criticizing everytime I lift my fingers off the keys, beating my knuckles with that stick, and screaming at the top of your lungs right in my ears?!" It took her a second to realize what she had done." You must have had a death wish? I guess you've been missing the attic lately!" her Mother then snatched her hair and dragged her upstairs to the attic. Hae Ra is struggling to set herself free from her mother's hands. She was stumbling with every step, she feels like her scalp is going to peel off. Her Mother shoved her in to the wall in the attic, causing her to wince in pain. "Stand up you son of a bitch! You know the drill. I regret giving birth to you! Such a disgrace in this family" her Mother snarled. Hae Ra stood up slowly, cursing herself for her sudden outburst and limped her way to the chair that was always placed in the center of the room. She was again shoved to the ground, making her bruised knees in contact with the attic floor. "Faster!" her Mother shouted. Hae Ra rolled her eyes in response. She didn't want to add fuel to the burning fire. She stood up on top of the chair, raised both of her arms with both of her thumbs sticking out of her hands and waits for her Mother to tie them both. "When will you ever learn?!" her Mother snarled at her. As her Mother was done tying her thumbs, she quickly removed the chair that Hae Ra was standing on, and Hae Ra was hanging by her thumbs for the sixth time for this month. Her mother then smirked at her bruised daughter, slammed the door and locked it from the outside. Hae Ra smirked, then smiled, then chuckled, then laughed maniacally. "The world is round Yeon Woo. I'll drag you down together with that beloved man of yours." Hae Ra screamed at the top of her lungs, followed by spitting on the floor.

Heyyyyyyyy guys! I know I took a long time to update. School has been really busy but since today's class is suspended, I thought to myself to update today. Not just one but two updates! So we'll have them separated by different POV. Please be patient as to why Hae Ra's parents are like that and who was paying a little visit to Baekhyun from the last chapter. Please stay patient with my also and I'll try to update every week since I have fully adjusted to my new school. Thank you lovelies for reading this story LOL! Anyways, to all my Filipino readers or those who live in the U.S., please keep safe! Also today is the release of "We Young" by Chanyeol and Sehun!
Maybe I'll update 3 chapters today... Who knows? Hahhaha! That's all!


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