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Jennie, I was sitting on the sidewalks listening to music. Someone tapped her shoulder. It was, Yoongi.


"N-no.... I-I'm not Sunshine.... anymore"

-10 years ago, Seoul, South Korea-
It was 6 am, I woke up earliest as always. Waiting for my triplet older brothers to wake up from their deep slumber. I forced my stiff body off bed, as I walked to my bathroom to wash myself and change. Then I went to my brothers rooms to wake their lazy butts up.

"Oppa's~ get ready!! School starts in 1 hour!"

"I'm awake Sunshine! I need to wake up Joonie and TaeTae!" Jinnie Oppa said.

"Arasseo!!! Ppali!!"

I waited for 15 minutes for all three of them to get ready. We went to the table, and ate with Eomma and Appa.

"Appa, are you dropping us off?" Jinnie Oppa said.

"Aniya, not today Seokjin-ah, Appa has business to do. Seokjin-ah, drive your siblings to school okay?"

"Yes, Appa....." Jinnie Oppa sighed in frustration.

Everyone was ready.

"Bye Eomma, bye Appa! See you after school! Saranghae!" I kissed Eomma and Appa's cheeks, as I put on my black boots.

"Oppa! I'm walking today, I wanna have fresh air for once!"

"Okay Sunshine! Be safe." Joonie Oppa reminded.


I walked through the neighborhood greeting everyone. And ofcourse not forgetting to take pictures along the way.


"Good morning, Mr. Nam!"

"Good morning Sunshine~ here have these donuts share them with your brothers"

"Ahh~ good morning Mr. And Mrs. Park! And goodbye everyone! I will be going to school now, annyeong!!"

"Bye bye Sunshine!!"

I got to school, and as always I went to the mango juice stand.

"Good morning Hani! May I have the usual?"

"Mornin' Sunshine! Ofcourse!"

Hani gave me the mango juice.

"Bye Hani! See you tommorow!"

On the way in, I saw my bestfriend, Yerin.


"Sunshine! You're here!"

In the distance I heard girls screaming here and there. What is going on? Hm..... Let's check shall we. Me being as class president, I must check on situations like this. I went and check what is was, and I saw 4 boys in the crowd, ah! They must be the transferred students Ms. Chun told me about. I took my fist and banged it on the lockers.

"HOLD IT EVERYONE class president is speaking!"

Eunbi, one of my classmates stopped the crowd.

"Thank you Eunbi! I might have heard, these boys are the transferred stundents that will be transferring today?"

"Yes, it's correct! Class president, may we know your name?"

The boy in the middle ask.

"Ah yes, I'm Kim Jennie known as Sunshine. Class president grade 2, nice to meet you."

"Ahhh so you're the sunshine of Seoul? I'm Hoseok, this is Jimin, Jungkook and that's Yoongi..."

the guy in the middle said.

"Hi Jennie Noona! I'm Jungkook! I'm on grade 1 with Jimin Hyung!"

"Hello my name is Jimin! Jennie Noona, it's nice meeting you!"

"Hey... I'm Yoongi."

Wow.... that Yoongi guy... he's cold... yeesh! I have to deal with him for the rest of the year.

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