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Yoongi, I was walking on the streets as I saw... a familiar girl in her earphones sitting on the sidewalks. I went and tapped her shoulder, it was Jennie.


"N-no... I'm not Sunshine anymore..."

-10 years ago, Seoul, South Korea-
Me, Jimin, Jungkook, ans Hoseok moved to Seoul 2 days ago. And today is our first day of school. I'm not really excited or anything, like... we're just new kids. Nothing new about it. We've been friends from kids, but like our parents, they just work all the time. So we tend to move to different school alot of times. And thank God, this school is the last school we will be moving to. I'm tired of moving all the time. I was just sitting on my desk, writing songs. When Eomma knocked on the door.

"Yoongi-ya! Your friends are here!"

"Okay Eomma! Be right there!"

I stood up forcing my lazy ass off bed, putting on my black hoodie and mask, tight black jeans, and shoes. Grabbing my black bag, filled with black notes books. And not forgetting my song book. And yes, I go full black every school day. It's my habit! I can never stop it. I went down the stairs greeted with a smell of kimchi, and the boys sitting on the table ready to eat.

"Hyung! You're here! C'mon let's eat!"

Jungkook, the youngest of the team. He loves to eat, he can do anything, basically real life gold.


Jimin, second youngest. He.sulks.to.many.times.make.it.stop.

"I'M YOURRRR HOOOOOOOOPPPPEEEE!!!! Yoongi get here ppali!"

Hoseok, he's in the same grade as me. Annoying, but surprisingly I need him most.

We ate pretty quickly. Whenwe were about to leave, I kissed my mom's cheek, and said goodbye.

When we got to school, a huge crowd forms around us.



A storm of girls rushed towards us. This has never happened EVER. The younger ones are panicking.

"H-Hyung.... what do we do???"

Jimin asked, stuttering.

"N-nan m-molla..."

I said, also shaking. Everyone stopped screaming in cause of the banging on the lockers and a girl screamed.

"HOLD IT EVERYONE class president is speaking!"

"Thank you Eunbi! I might have heard, these boys are the transferred stundents that will be transferring today?"

"Yes, it's correct! Class president, may we know your name?"

Hoseok asked.

"Ah yes, I'm Kim Jennie known as Sunshine. Class president grade 2, nice to meet you."

"Ahhh so you're the sunshine of Seoul? I'm Hoseok, this is Jimin, Jungkook and that's Yoongi..."

Hoseok said again.

"Hi Jennie Noona! I'm Jungkook! I'm on grade 1 with Jimin Hyung!"

"Hello my name is Jimin! Jennie Noona, it's nice meeting you!"

"Hey... I'm Yoongi."

I really didn't wanna be amused that much. But... she's the Sunshine of Seoul! She looks really nice and pㅡ Yoongi what are you thinking? You just met her pabo! Ugh whatever.

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