Part 2

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Woke up miserable and tired. The pillow was wet. Must have cried a lot. I swung my legs off the sofa and onto the floor. I heaved myself up and plodded to the kitchen. I took a look at the clock on the wall. Only half eight. I had ages yet until I needed to get dressed or make myself look human. I was NOT a morning person. I opened Dana's fridge. I know it seems cheeky, but I was so hungry I didn't care. Dana would understand. I'd make her breakfast too. I found the bacon and made us some bacon sandwiches. Dana woke up not long after me, and for most of the morning the apartment was quiet. Like I said, NOT a morning person. At about ten, I decided to start to at least try to make myself look attractive. I washed and put on last nights still damp leggings and flowy vest. I piled my hair up into a bun, grabbed my phone (it was in my pocket last night) and borrowed some socks (and underwear) from Dana. She was coming with me to drive her car back. The way there was silent, but not awkward. I think we were just getting used to each others company.

At the tow garage I had to pay $90 to get my car back, but hey, I was just glad to see old Jemima again (yes, I named my car). But it was worth it. I was going to need it. Driving back in old Jemmy was good, it as nice being back with her, even though it was only one night without her. It felt like years.

I got dressed then headed out job finding. I had a list of places here looking for work. It was going to be a long day as it was a long list.

The first few places told me I wasn't 'educated' enough to work for them. Then the next few told me I wasn't 'appropriate' for the job. But I was still optimistic. Until I got to the very end of the list and no one had given me a job. The last one on the list was a place called 'Popeye's Pizza'. Didn't sound that intriguing. But, nevertheless, I walked to this place, in a little cutting in on the side of a road and opened the door. The smell of pizza of all flavours hit me. I squared my shoulders and braced myself for the millionth interview of the day. It was this job, or I was screwed!

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