Part 4

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Scarlet's was a huge club. The inside was jam packed with people, men, women, old and young come here to see whatever was going on. So what was Dana's job? Surely something like a barmaid here wasn't something to really get excited about?

We pushed and shoved our way through the crowd.

"Outta my way people, stars coming through," Dana shouted. People took one look at her and smiled, parting like the red sea.

"Wow, people know you here!" I exclaimed, taken aback by Dana's popularity. I was never popular at school. I was the weird kid that liked to dance, and was good at it. I hadn't danced for ages now, after giving up on my stupid dream of ever becoming a professional dancer. I realized when I was 15 that that dream was never going to happen and I had to start planning a proper future with a real job.

"What do you expect? You'll see what I mean when I start," Dana said, cutting off my flashback of me and Leah at school, third day of our freshman year. 

We were looking around, giggling at the fit boys, laughing at the emos and just searching for areas to hang out. We came across the gym. It was large and had one wall with top to bottom mirrors along it. We immediately took a liking to it. I took my iPhone out and put on some music. We started dancing randomly, just stupid little things, until suddenly we had a small routine. So we stood in front of those mirrors and danced our 14 year old hearts out. It was until we finished and packed up our bags that we realized we were being watched by what felt like the entire school. They were clapping and cheering. We laughed, blushed, and ran off. That's what me and Leah were like.

Dana went backstage, leaving me at a table alone. I sat down, kicking off my boots that were hurting my feet and slipped my jacket off. I leaned back into the chair and scanned the room. It was mostly filled with young men and women, all dressed up fancy as if this was a special evening. At the back of the room was a huge stage, with long heavy curtains that were closed. The whole room seemed to be centred on that stage. At the end of the stage was an open oval sort of sticky out part with a bar right in the middle of it. The bar to the right of the stage was long and slightly tilted to face the stage. It had all sorts of fancy wine and other alcohol based drinks lined up on the wall with fancy glasses. The rest of the floor space was covered with tables similar to the one I was sitting on. I glanced around and noticed I was the only one sitting alone. I suddenly felt like a small small fish in a big big sea. 

Suddenly the lights went off and everyone started cheering. All the people by the bar started moving towards their tables, and some stood standing. A voice on the overhead speakers started talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Scarlet's!" the man's voice shouted, and he was responded with a loud cheer.

"Now, give it up for the one, the only, CARMEEEEN!" he shouted, and everyone started to cheer again. The red curtains slowly opened exposing a black stage. Tango type music started playing. I raised an eyebrow. What was this? Then suddenly one single spotlight came on stage and lit up a gorgeous girl. She had long wavy dark brown hair, a perfect curvy full figure, slim toned arms and legs and her face looked like it was carved by angels. Damn her and her prettiness. Her eyes were round and seemed like an almond colour, her nose perfect and he lips full, with delicate cheekbones. I almost cried. I wanted to be her now. She swayed sexily towards the microphone situated at the end of the stage, and started singing. She had a husky deep voice but none the less it was perfect. It was a sexy song, with the lyrics saying 'Baby come and take me down'. And then she started dancing. And it hit me. This was a burlesque club. Why didn't I think of that before? I mentally slapped my forehead (didn't actually want to do it and look like a twat now did I?) and continued watching her. There was something in the way she moved that kept your eyes fixed on her, almost as if she was seducing you. Was I turning lesbian? Oh no, that would be hard to explain the Dana. And Leah. If we ever got in touch that is.

After a while, two other spotlights came on. In the corners of the stage, on little shelf type things sat Dana and a long lean blonde. They swung their legs over and started descending down the stairs. They even made that look sexy! Once on stage, Carmen (the singer/dancer) stopped singing, and then the three of them danced in sync, a very hip-twirly, hair spinning, leg kicking dance. I almost laughed, but I was in the front row and didn't want Dana to think I was being harsh. I enjoyed it, to be honest, and wanted to come here again already.

After the dance, Dana came running to me. I was standing by the barn sipping some strange drink out of a fancy glass I couldn't even hold properly. I was muttering to myself about the need of plastic cups at a place like this, just in case, when I felt her tap my shoulder. I screamed and jumped, spilling half the drink on the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry Harlow, here I'll buy you another," Dana gasped, quickly pulling her purse out of her bag. I realized she had changed out of the little number the girls were wearing in the routine to something more, appropriate.

"Ah don't worry, I wasn't going to drink it. It tasted like washing up liquid. Not that I've ever tasted it but......" I said, biting my lip. I sounded stupid. But Dana laughed.

"Yep, I should have warned you that the drinks here taste a bit funny," she said, smirking, while ordering a glass of water.

The blonde from the stage walked over.

"Hey Dana," she said, then looked at me. "Hi, I'm Ashley. You are?" she asked, extending a hand for me to shake. I shook it while answering.

"I'm Harlow Cape, just moved to Chicago from Michigan," I smiled.

"Nice to meet you. You a friend of Dana's?" she asked, ordering a lemon breezer.

"Actually, she's my new flat mate. I helped her out the other day and decided, 'Hey, she should stay', so she got a job and to celebrate I brought her here," Dana explained, sipping her water.

"Oh that's cool. So we'll be seeing more of each other then," Ashley said, smiling.

"I guess we will," I replied, shifting legs. I looked over Ashley's shoulder and saw Carmen walking over. Dana noticed her too.

"Don't look her in the eye," she whispered. I didn't know if she was joking or not, but I did as she said.

"Hello Carmen," Dana said cheerily.

"Hhhmm," Carmen replied, ordering a drink. I looked at Dana and she rolled her eyes.

"Hello Carmen, I'm Harlow. I just moved here and I'm Dana's flat mate. I just wanted to say that you were....." I tried to say but she cut me off.

"Brilliant?" she asked cockily. "I know. Look, just stay out of my way and we'll be fine."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I said, staring at her.

"You heard," she said, coming closer. "Stay out of my way." And with that she flounced off.

"What's her problem?" I cried, after she was out of earshot.

"I don't really know," Dana said, a confused look on her face. "She's not normally like that. Maybe she recognizes you from somewhere and doesn't like you," she suggested.

"I've never seen her before in my life," I answered, confused. I sighed. I'd already had an enemy, and I'd been in Chicago for a day. This would be harder than I thought.

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