Still Mr. Bad Guy

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This was the first time that I came home with bruises. The first thing I said to my Mom as I came through the doors were:

"It was accident!"

However, Mom being Mom, started worrying and asking so many questions that I couldn't keep up. She sat me down with my Dad and we talked forever. I convinced them that it was an accident though.

Well, it wasn't. See, everything was fine in my new school and the days were great, still had a awkward relationship(can you even call it one?) with Shadow, but then...P. E. happened.

The guys were playing basketball and the girls were playing volleyball. Shadow had a nice idea of hitting me in the face with the basketball, on purpose, and claimed it was an accident. Then, later that day, he punched me in the face and shoved me on the lockers.

And then we were really close...

I shake my head, growling about how much I hate the guy under my breath. He seemed weird though...I mean, I learned he has a job at G.U.N. (from first day of course) and he produces a lot of fights. I also learned that he doesn't really talk much and is always angry about something. Or just plain angry. No one understands him and he seems so...mysterious and dark...and fascinating.

Somehow he reminded me of my old life, the one I never told anyone. See, there was a doctor called 'Dr. Robotnik', or as I like to call him 'Eggman', who planned evil schemes, and I would always stop him. I was 9 when I started being a hero, saving the world going on adventures to other lands, even met Sally on one. That all changed when I hit 15, then I went to high school.

Stopped being a hero...

G.U.N. stopped Eggman so I could go to school and, live life. My life has been boring since then. I loved my old life, but I decided that was that, and stopped thinking about my old life, never brought it up, started dating Sally...

She would sometimes remind me of my old life, but we never would bring it up, neither would my parents. So that life was locked away and I disappeared into nothing.

"Sonic sweetie," My Mom called from downstairs," It's late you should get to bed now!"

"Alright Mom!" I yelled back, jumping up from my bed to brush my teeth and then go back to bed.

"Love you!" Both my parents said in unison.

"Love you too!"

I curled up in my bed and closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.



"Hey, Faker," a deep voice came from behind and made me jump.

I raise a brow at the voice's owner.

"'Faker'?" I crossed my arms," Oh, I see, because we look alike!"

"Just noticed?" Shadow crossed his own arms and glared.

I scoffed. "You're the fake hedgehog around here."

(See what I did there?)

"Please," Shadow clenched his fist," You're not good enough to be my fake, Faker."

And my reward was a punch.



Teachers hardly noticed the newly aquatinted bruises on my arms. I still had the bruise on my cheek from yesterday that was close to healing.

I sat down next to Knuckles giving him a nod as a hello.

He was the one who noticed the bruises.

"Where did you get them," Knuckled whispered/hissed.

I stayed quiet not knowing if I should tell him.

"Was it from Jet?" Knuckles asked on.

I gave him a questioning look since I never met Jet before.

"He is the one bullying Tails," He nodded toward a green bird with blue eyes that shined.

I glared for a second at the bird. So he was the one hurting Tails, hm?

"No," I said.

"Then who?" Knuckles seemed worried now.

"I'm accident prone," I lied.

He didn't look convinced, but he left me alone for the rest of the class.



"Yes!" I scream running with my super speed out of the school.

I stretched and then grabbed my backpack before heading toward a park. I would usually head home, but I needed to be alone, feel the wind on my face, run like I always have. Reaching the park was easy, who I met at the park was not.

As soon as I saw Shadow, I ducked behind bushes without making a single sound.

Shadow seemed to have this uniform on, with a black leather jacket with red rimming each corner, with a gray 'G' surrounded by spikes on his shoulder. He wore black pants to with some belt that held a gun. He was currently talking in a microphone.

"Rouge," Shadow growled,"Did you find it or what?"

"Hun," Rouges voice came from a headset he wore," No, try breaking in here! It's got lasers everywhere!"

"How hard was it to break in the Empire?" Shadow hissed.

Why did it seem he was glowing red?

"It was easy!" Rouge chuckled, "Because you did the heavy lifting."

"..." Shadow glared at a tree with his eyes blazing and a red aura surrounding him.

"Look," Rouge sighed," I'll get it when I can."

"Alright," Shadow closed his eyes,"Get the Tear before GX, signing out."

He clicked a button on the headset and the static cut off.

I stood there, hidden by leaves thinking about everything I just heard. Who was GX? Some kind of bad guy? What the heck was a 'Tear'?

I looked at Shadow, who was leaning on a tree with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

I'll be honest with you...

He looked hot.

Damn, he must be one ultimate 'Bad Guy'.

And that was the moment my phone filled the empty silence with its noise.




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