Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

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Author's Note: This is the final chapter of this book & yes it is going to be difficult to read, but most of you have been reading my series since the beginning & I hope you know that I wouldn't do something unless I had a good reason. Even though this chapter will end on a grim note... I assure you Book 8 will be amazing & I will continue to entertain you. Please trust in me & please read at least the first chapter of book 8 to at least give it a chance. Book 8 will be called "Forever in my Heart" & I am hoping to post it very soon. You can't stop reading now... you have to find out how their story ends & how all of the childrens' stories end up. I have lots of amazing things happening in the future so please keep reading.


It was pretty difficult being away from my family while I toured. It wasn't easy for Nick to pack up all the kids & bring them to visit me, but he did manage to one weekend when the kids had a Monday off school. I was in North Carolina on Friday night so they met me there on Saturday morning since I had it off. I was in Florida on Monday night, so we got to spend the weekend together. On that Sunday we went to Disney & the kids had a blast. So did we, if I was being honest. My sister & cousin both came along to help with the kids.

Saying goodbye to my family was agonizing since I wouldn't see them for a few weeks. I was enjoying my tour, though. It had been way too long since I got to meet tons of Lovatics. They meant the world to me & I wanted to keep showing them how much by putting on amazing shows night after night.

After the kids left, the next night, I was in Tampa, Florida for my show. I was texting Nick before my meet & greet started. He was telling me what him & the kids did that day & I started to feel sad. I missed them so much & it had only been a day since I had seen them. I took a deep breath & remembered why I was here. I was making a difference in people's lives, right? I mean, that's why I still wanted to reach out to my fans in meet & greets & my concerts. Every night, I was faced with amazing stories of survival & they all looked up to me as someone who they could relate to or someone that had saved their life in some way. I took another deep breath before I was led into the room where my fans would come in to meet me for less than a minute usually. It warmed my heart that still so many fans wanted to meet me.

I had already met over a hundred fans, when I saw a familiar face. I wasn't sure where I knew her from as I watched her walk to me. I was trying to place her so I wouldn't be embarrassed if I got it wrong. I extended my hand as she got closer. "Hi, I'm Demi. It's nice to meet you." I figured I would see if she told me where we had met before.

She smirked & raised an eyebrow. "Hi, it's nice to see you again."

I laughed, probably turning three shades of red. "We've met somewhere before, haven't we?"

She chuckled seeming to be amused by this. "Yes, we have. A little disappointed you can't remember where, considering you couldn't stop eyeing me that night." She glanced down at my hands and said, "I told you, my scars tell my story, just like yours."

I narrowed my eyes at her & my finger came up to tap my chin. I saw her scar, on her chest, then it hit me. "Oh my God. Now I remember. Oh shit, the most humiliating night & most interesting night of my life." I started laughing, nervously. This was the girl from the swingers party Nick & I had stumbled into it, unknowingly. "I'm sorry, though, I can't remember your name."

She laughed again, "I'm Jenn, it's great to see you again. Guess I can still make you as uncomfortable now, as I did two years ago. It was funny to watch you two be all nervous and out of place I have to admit." She smiled, and pulled out a piece of paper. "You seemed to be curious that night, I could see it in your eyes, so I figured I'd write down my story for you." She paused and seemed a little nervous before handing me the paper. "That is if you still want to know, since I know we don't have much time."

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