Mall Fiasco

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Chapter 5: Mall Fiasco

"Did we lose them?" Misty asked Leaf as they escaped the wrath of Dawn, hiding inside one of the stores of Striaton Mall, a toy store to be precise. Here's what happened...


"Here's the plan. We ditch them when I say so." Dawn explained to the three, who fell back anime style.

"That's it? Are you serious?" Misty asked the blunette.

"That's it. So, in 3, 2, 1...RUN!" Dawn shouted as she, Misty and Leaf ran away from May and Drew, who stopped their banter and turned to see them gone, with Brendan being dragged by the blunette.

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" May shouted, but was not heard. Drew sighed.

"Guess we have to find them now, huh?"

"Are we far enough?" Misty asked.

"Yup. Seems like they went away too." Dawn replied while looking left and right.

"Do you really have to drag me along?" Brendan asked the girls while helping Leaf up. "Are you alright princess?"

"I'm fine." Leaf replied. She turned to Dawn. "So, what's the plan?"

"Yes I had to drag you along, Brendan, because, we're going shopping! Besides, those two alone would do fine. Knowing Drew, he'll do something about it." The girls shivered at the thought.

"S-sh-ho-pping?" Misty and Leaf asked, stuttering. Brendan looked confused.

"What's wrong with shopping?" he asked.

"We're dead, Leaf. Knowing Dawn, she'll make us bring all of her bags." Misty whispered to the brunette, who nodded.

"I know, we'll make a run for it when she enters the store." Leaf whispered back. To Brendan they said in unison.

"Oh nothing~"

"What are you two mumbling about?" Dawn asked the two, who flinched. "Don't tell me you're going to ditch me, aren't you?"

"Oh no no no my dear Dawn, Leaf and I were just talking of how would May look like when she sees us." Misty replied nonchalantly with a wave of her hand.

"Sureeeeee." The blunette sneered. She stopped and turned towards a store. "Let's go in here!" She announced, dragging Brendan in the process.

"Run!" with that, the two ran to who knows where before Dawn realized they were gone.

~End of Flashback~

"I think so. No sign of an angry Dawn anywhere, neither Drew or May." Leaf answered while looking for a gift to send back to Petalburg. She picked up a cute teddy bear and showed it to Misty.

"What do you think Mist? Will the children like this?" she asked the girl.

"I think they would love it. That aside, whose children?"

"Oh. I guess we haven't told you yet. They are children from the orphanage, which May and I always visit every week. We teach them how to read, write and sing. We also give them gifts like these." The brunette explained, taking a few bears from the shelves. Misty smiled.

"You're really kind Leaf, always thinking about other people before yourself. Princesses like you are a rare find these days. Most of the girls at SISR are spoiled and unjust."

Leaf grinned sheepishly. "Thanks. You're really kind and understanding too Mist, and you're cool! You act more like a knight than a princess." The two giggled.

"You're right. I'm not exactly princess material, am I?"

"You can be, with proper training of course."

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