Bucky x Natasha

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Guess who isn't dead? I know I haven't updated in a while, sorry.
Word count: 1294

Requested by: theredroomwidow


"Nat, let's go for a walk."

Natasha looked at her boyfriend, who had his head on her lap as he layed sprawled out on their couch.

"You want to go for a walk? How come?" She ran her fingers through his hair gently and he closed his eyes, enjoying her touch.

"I don't know, it would be nice. Why, do you not want to go for a walk? Because if you don't, that's fine too." Natasha could hear the slight panic in his voice as he worried about wether or not she actually wanted to go with him.

She leaned down and kissed him gently. With her lips still touching his, she whispered "I would love to."

He held the back of her head and pulled her in for one more kiss. Then, they both got up. Bucky went right to the door, but Natasha first went back to her room. "Nat, where are you going. Outside is this way."

"Yeah, but I have to get ready first. I look like a mess."

"Survey says... that is incorrect. You look gorgeous. C'mon, let's get going."

She rolls her eyes and hides her face in an attempt to stop him from seeing the blush on her cheeks, but it was too late. "Try not to take too long beautiful. I'll be here waiting for your perfect self."

She walked away faster and went to the bathroom. She got her hairbrush and was fixing every little strand, making sure that she looked perfect. If he's going to keep calling me beautiful, I've gotta look the part.

She continued to fix her hair until she was satisfied. Then, she started to put on some makeup.  Not enough to be too noticeable; she tried to make it look natural.

A knock came from the door. "Nat, you look wonderful, let's get going." She opened the door and walked out. "Wow. Like I said, you look wonderful."

She tried to walk away and cover her blushing cheeks, but he held wrapped his arms around her waist tight and wouldn't let her move. He gently tilted her head upwards so that he could look at her. He started to kiss along her jawline and then moved down to her neck. His kisses were gentle and loving and she wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer.

He was about to kiss her on the lips when she held his face back. "Nope. I just put on this lip gloss, don't ruin it." He whined like a little kid and she just laughed at him.

"C'mon, that's not fair! You look this good and you expect me not to kiss you!"

She slipped out of his grasp, but held onto his hand and led him towards the door. He intertwined their fingers and held onto her tightly. "Alright, fine. I'll ruin your lip gloss when we get back. For now, let's go to a park or something. We can look at the sights and maybe someone will let us let their dog."

"Is that why you wanted to go out?"

"No, I wanted to spend time with my stunning girlfriend. But, if I have to let some dogs while I'm doing that, I will. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made."

"Yes, I'm sure petting some dogs is going to really weigh on you. You poor thing."

They both laughed as they walked to the door. Then, they slid on their shoes and headed out. They walked right to the park. Natasha couldn't help but stare at Bucky as they walked. The way his perfect eyes sparkled and how he held onto her hand tighter whenever he saw something that made him happy. She loved seeing him when he was full of life like this.

"Nat, why are you staring at me?"

"...because you're gorgeous."

He stopped walking and moved himself so that he was directly in front of her. "I'm going to mess up your lip gloss now."

"Can you do that when we're not in public?"

"There's literally no one else here."

"I take it that means no."

"Pretty much."

He leaned in and closed the gap between them. Their bodies tangled together as they pulled each other close as they could be. His fingers ran through her hair, messing it up, but she didn't even mind.

They kept kissing, their breaths mixing and their bodies practically connected. Their lips moved in perfect sync, each of them knowing what the other liked. Natasha kissed him for as long as she could, but's he couldn't hold her breath for as long as him so she had to pull away. When she did, he kissed her cheeks and her temples. "Your lips gloss tasted nice. Strawberry?"

"Shut up."

"I love you too."

They loosened their grip until they were only holding hands again. Then, they walked further, talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Natasha kept fixing her hair as they walked. Bucky chuckled at her antics and she glared at him. "What? I just think that you're cute!"

"And I think you messed up my hair. And my lip gloss!"

"I think you're absolutely stunning all the time, so it doesn't make a difference."

Once again, she blushed and turned her face away from him, but he turned her head back to look at him. "Don't do that. Don't turn away from me. I love seeing your beautiful face, especially when you're a blushing mess."

She continued blushing and was about to turn away, when she looked back at him. He gently touches her cheek where her blush was currently residing and smiled at her. His sweet smile only made her blush more, which only made him smile more.

"Stop smiling."

"I can't help it. I really love you."

Her face turned a darker red as she looked forward. "Why are you being so sappy today?"

"Because you're perfect and I love you."

She tried to contain her smile, but failed miserably. Just then, a small dog ran up to them and started barking at them. It was fluffy and had a goofy looking smile on its face. Bucky smiled at the little pup and picked it up.

"Awwww look how cute!"

Natasha looked at her muscular, ex-assassin boyfriend as he kissed a small puppy that he held in his arms. What did I do to deserve him?

Bucky looked at the collar on the dog and noticed a phone number. "Aww, this little guy has to get home. Nat, can you call the number?"

She got her phone and dialed it. Soon enough, the dog's owner was there and took the small pup out of Bucky's arms.

"I'm so sorry, he ran out of the house before I could get his leash on. Thank you for getting him, I really appreciate it."

Natasha nodded and said that it was no problem. Then, the dogs owner left. "Well, that was amazing. We should get a dog some time, what do you think Nat?"

If it means I get to see you like that again, I'd get ten dogs.

"Yeah. I think we should."

"Wait, really? Do you mean it? Because I have a list of dog breeds that would be a good match for our house. I did some quizzes online and saw what certain breeds like. I also might have an idea of where we can adopt each dog breed. Maybe."

She laughed softly and leaned forward to tuck his hair behind his ear. "You're too cute."

He blushed ever-so-slightly, which made her feel the need to kiss his cheek, which she did.

The two of them walked home, hand-in-hand, chatting and looking at each other with loving eyes.

You're so perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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