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i can't believe i'm sitting here, deciding to write letters every month on how much i can't get over you. i keep thinking about the past, about how much of an impact you've left on me.

it all started back in high school, when my friend dragged me to sit with her; with her boyfriend. we approached the table, and the first thing i locked my eyes on was you.

you, min yoongi. the boy that everyone spoke about. the boy that stole both of our hearts. and the boy who eventually broke them too.

i was scared, for if i looked into those beautiful eyes, it might never leave my mind again.

she loved you, but sadly you just loved her body. the way her arms snaked around your neck, pulling you in to interlock lips. the way your hands roamed around her stomach to find her hips, guiding you into her. it hurts me, but what more can i do when she was my best friend.


yeah, our friendship didn't end very well, and obviously you were the cause of it. i'd be lying if i said i didn't regret the choices i've made, but what more can i say when i loved the both of you.

i could only listen to my heart; even though my brain tells me i'm stupid, pathetic, head over heels for a boy who just took advantage of me, i still circled around you.

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