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it's been a month since i got cut off from my thoughts. i was busy. busy trying to forget about you, but you always came running back into my mind.

she's been with you for seven months, and i wondered why the relationship still hasn't ended yet. i guess seven is your favorite number, because that's always how long you stay with each girl before leaving them in their bedsheets, wondering what they lacked that couldn't keep your attention.

in those seven months you guys have laughed, kissed, and fucked. and in the end you guys still broke up.

i never told her that i liked you. i've always kept it on the low, telling her that i simply don't have the time to start exploring my interest. i lied, and that's where everything went wrong.

when you started to talk to me, i lied to her saying that it was just another friend. when i had marks on my body, i told her that i was just clumsy. she's smarter than that to know that her best friend lied. i was so stupid.

we never confirmed our relationship. even till this day i'm not sure what we were. friends with benefits? fulfilling each other's needs every now and then? you wanted my body while i wanted a relationship with you. your heart, your physical being that showed me love and affection.

it wasn't hard for you to get what you wanted. a simple kiss and i was completely yours; my breath hitched whilst your named lingered in my mouth. i heard you whisper my name once. through the grunts and moans during one midnight, i heard it and obviously i loved it, because it sounded so foreign coming from your mouth.

i was happy, thinking that maybe this relationship wouldn't turn out to be like the others, and for once in a lifetime,
i was right.

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