Chapter Two

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"It's been 2 hours, there is no gun. Can we stop looking now?" Lyric said sounding very annoyed. The others seemed to be in agreement with her seeing that they all stopped what they were doing. "Lyric's right." Jessica said, "there clearly isn't a gun and this is a sick joke. Whoever's behind this will have to deal with me when it's all over." Scott who was standing across Jessica began to shake his head in disagreement, "or whoever's behind this hid the gun somewhere non of us would think of looking, we need to keep on looking guys." "No! There is no gun, and no one is gonna keep on looking." Jessica yelled at him. "I agree with Jessica." said Dove, "we literally looked everywhere and there is no gun." "yes, and besides it's only a few minutes left untill whoever's  behind this comes back, so we just have to wait." Bradley said while placing himself on the single bed that was placed in the middle of the room. "Are you kidding me? Are you seriously being serious right now? What if it's not a prank huh? What if someone actually ends up dying tonight? I'll blame you Jessica, since you're the one giving the orders now." Scott was being serious more than ever this time. As the time got nearer the more scared he got. "Oh shut up Scott! You're just worried about yourself. So tell me what you'll do if you so happen to find the gun? Are you gonna shoot all of us and run away?" Bradley yelled at him. Scott gave him a dirty stare as if he was some type of animal. "You're damn right I'm gonna shoot you." Scott answered Bradley's question without a doubt. "That's disgusting Scott!" Jessica yelled as she got up from the chair she once was sitting on. Lyric immediately walked up to Scott and put her arm over his shoulder. "come on guys." she told the others, "can't you see that Scott is just stressed from all of this? Give him a break, when it's all over he'll be the Scott that we all know and love." she ended her sentence with a slight smile on her face. "you're just saying that because you want to get in his pants!" Jessica immediately attacked her. "hey how dare you say that! I'm just trying to support our friend" Lyric defended herself. "That's a load of crap and you know it." Bradley said to her. Dove who was then standing on the other side of the room by herself finally spoke up. "Guys can you please just stop arguing? We need to support each other in order to go through this." They all ignored her as they kept on yelling at each other. There were fingers being pointed everywhere and words flying all over the place, but that all ended when the room suddenly got pitch black. There was a few seconds of silence when suddenly there was a deafening thump sound, if one payed close attention they could hear the sound of a body falling hard on the cold floor. The room was suddenly more quiet than ever and filled with fear and horror. The lights suddenly switched back on when Lyric screamed in horror from across the room. Her face looked as if she was paralyzed from the fear and disgust. "oh my gosh Dove!" Bradley yelled and ran towards her lifeless body. "what did I fucken tell you guys! This is all your fault Jessica!" Scott yelled in disbelief. "shut up Scott! This is not about you right now." Jessica said as she desperately tried to defend herself but deep down the guilt was killing her. "Fuck that! I told you guys but no one ever listens to me." Scott said as he began sobbing on the floor. "Dove! She's gone! Look at her!" Lyric cried out. "oh no! Why her?" Bradley said as he hugged her body that was now completely covered in blood. "what was that supposed to mean? You wanted it to have been me you bastard!" Scott yelled as he immediately stopped crying. Their grief was completely cut short when the lights suddenly started dimming again and the room once again became pitch black.

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