Chapter Three

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"You guys were given simple instructions and you failed to follow them. Next instructions are as follows: whoever can get rid of the body within 2 hours will be granted their freedom."  The door that was once locked immediately unlocked and the lights switched back on. "Okay guys, maybe if we all get rid of Dove's body then we'll all be set free." Jessica told the others. "Yes, let's all just get the fuck out of here."  For the first time in a long time Scott seemed to agree with her. "we can't do that, we can't use our friend's body as bate." Bradley mumbled out with tears still coming out of his eyes. "look bro you can stay the fuck here, in fact this can be your new home but I'm getting the fuck out of here." Scott said as he bent down and tried grabbing Dove's soulless body. "you're not taking her!" Bradley yelled and shuved Scott making him fall back on the floor, The look he then carried on his face was of a dangerous man. "I won't say it twice, you aren't taking her anywhere." The others stared at each other in disbelief, they had never seen this side of Bradley before. "listen Brad, I know this is tough for you but we need to get out of here and the only way we can do so is by getting rid of that body." Lyric peacefully said trying to calm Bradley down but she only made things worse. "That body? An hour ago she wasn't just a "body", that was our best friend!" He's hands began to shake out of rage, he suddenly got up and started kicking everything that stood before him. "Brad, stop! That's not gonna change anything." Jessica said desperately trying to convince him to stop making the situation worse. "You know what screw you! I tried to be nice but fuck it, I'm getting the fuck out of here." As Scott once again tried to grab Dove's body Bradley attacked him with full force, he throw Scott against the wall making him look helpless and began punching him with all his strength yelling "you're not taking her!" The girls stood in the corner staring with disbelief, they had never seen Bradley be aggressive before. Blood began running out of Scott's nostrils and filled his mouth as he coughed it out. Bradley finally let Scott go when his fists were tired. He turned back to the girls, slowly walked up to them and watched them as they trembled. "You're not taking her." He slowly repeated himself so that they could understand how serious he was being. He bent down and reached for Dove's body. He gently put her on his shoulders and walked out of the room slamming the door after himself making it to once again lock. Scott layed on the floor, coughing blood as he caught his breath. "what the fuck just happened?" Lyric said, her face still filled with disbelief. "I'll tell you what just happened, that bastard fooled us all. He made us think that he was innocent and caring, look what he did to me. He left with Dove's body wanting to be the soul surviver." Scott said from the floor as he grabbed his ribs in pain. "Well now what? Brad left with the body that means he's free so then what happens to us?" Jessica said as she paced back and fourth around the room. "Help!" Lyric suddenly yelled. "You idiot! You think somebody's gonna hear us from here? We don't even know where we are. We just need to play this stupid twisted game and get the fuck out of here." Scott angrily said. The girls both turned to each other as they came to realize that Scott was actually right.

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