Chapter Four

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The next day was very quiet. There wasn't much sun shining in the room and there weren't any windows to capture the Sunray. Scott was the first out of the remaining three to wake up. Although he was awake he still layed on his back pretending he was asleep incase there was someone watching him. "Good morning." Lyric said from the single bed she was laying on. "what's so good about it?" Scott bitterly said. "you know what scott you don't always have to be mean you know. We're all stuck in the same situation." Lyric said sounding as if Scott had hurt her feelings. Scott didn't bother arguing with her, he was too focused thinking of ways in which he could escape. Surprisingly they didn't hear anything from the mysterious voice the entire morning. They all sat around waiting to here what awaited them. They all stared at the clock as the hours went by. Finally when the clock had reached 6pm the lights began to dim once more. "oh shit it's happening again." Scott suddenly sat up from where he was laying. "And then there were three, well not for long. We're about to have a little fun, well mostly me. We're going to play a little game of hide and seek where you both have to hide and seek. You have been given 60 minutes to use whatever weapon you find around the cabin to kill the other two in the room. Whoever manages to make it out alive is free to leave. Within 60 minutes if there's no guarantee winner, well we all know how that'll end. Begin!" The lights suddenly went back on. The three pairs of eyes stared around the room, each wanting to find something to use as a weapon. The door suddenly unlocked , exposing the rest of the cabin. Lyric immediately ran out trying to hide from the others. "I can't believe we've been put in a situation where we need to hurt each other." Jessica said staring right into Scott's eyes. "Life has its own sick twists and turns, so I guess this is one of them." Scott responded. They both slowly walked in circles around the bed that stood between them, each on opposite sides. They continued to do so when suddenly Scott jumped over the bed and pinned Jessica to the floor. He began to shock her and watched her as she gasped for air. "I'm so sorry Jessica, but I need to go back to my family." He said with tears running down his eyes. Jessica desperately tried to fight him but he was too strong, she gathered the few breath that she had left and said "Please Scott, please." and then She slowly became lifeless. Scott was still on top  of her gathering his breath as he counted one down, one more to go.

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