16 - across the world

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i have a little globe
sitting in the corner of my desk,
and i look at it
every single day.

on that little globe,
we're barely five inches apart.
why can't we live
on that little globe?

on that little globe,
i could take less than a step
across the oceans
and be right by your side.

on that little globe,
you could rush over and be back to work
without anyone knowing
you were ever gone. 

but we're not on that little globe
and we won't ever be.
i can't step over oceans.
you can't leave work.
i can't see if you love another girl.
you can't stop me from talking
with tommy from 19E
out of unprovoked jealousy.

maybe there is another girl.
i don't even like tommy.
would you leave me like that?

on that little globe,
we're barely five inches apart.
why can't we live
on that little globe?

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