19 - monthly subscription

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they don't believe me
when i say i'm not 
on my damn period.
maybe i'm just annoyed with you
and i'm trying to get rid of you.
ever think of that?

there's always that one guy
who just asks me,
why can't you do anything
if it's such a hassle?
hey man,
it's not just a monthly subscription
that i can cancel when i want.

when you use the bathroom,
mr. nosy and greasy-haired goes and asks,
why are you bringing your bag
to the bathroom?
why in the hell do you care?
it's my life.
go figure out yours first.

of course, there's the jokes about how
it's her time of the month!
stay clear!
she's a raging monster!
i have an idea:
you try bleeding between your legs
for a few days.
see if you don't act like a bitch then. 

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