Me, Lexi, and... how many?!

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"Ohhh..." I gasped, "that feels so good..." My girlfriend Lexi knelt in between my spread legs massaging my pulsing vagina as it prepares itself to birth a child. I'd been laboring for over 24 hours now and the only thing that helped with the pain was her hands. We had decided on a home birth because the actual conceiving of the child was already medical enough for the pregnancy. I screamed suddenly, causing her hand to retreat for a moment while a contraction rattled through my body. This time though, the pain didn't subside when the contraction ended.
Through gritted teeth I asked her, "Lexi... can you... do you see anything?" She moved her head closer to me and leaned in for a kiss.
"Babe, your water just broke! The bed... it's soaked! We're about to deliver a baby!"
I moved my hand down to touch myself and could feel the amniotic fluid soaking the area around and between my legs. I breathed out a laugh, overjoyed that I was about to give birth. We had chosen to be surprised because we didn't want to spend time preparing for a girl or boy, but for a baby in general.
"Lexi? Can you go run a warm tub? I did some research and decided that a water birth is best for me." She looked at me lovingly and grabbed her bathing suit and skipped into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and the sounds of her grabbing towels and equipment for the birth as well as slide out of her shorts into her bikini. Sitting myself up I tried to slide out of my shirt but wasn't as successful as I care to admit. Lexi came out and grabbed it, pulling it over my head, leaving me in a bathing suit top and nothing else. Slowly we walked into the bathroom and she helped me into the tub where I contracted as soon as I hit the water.
"Ahhhhhh! Lexi!" I bent over and placed my hands over my vagina, trying to seize the pain with pressure. She quickly slid into the tub and pushed my legs apart in the birthing position and extended her arm to massage me again. I leaned back and enjoyed the movements of her hands, occasionally bucking my hips up to meet her fingers. When the next contraction hit, my body felt the need to push and I obeyed. I groaned as I put all my power into delivering my baby but nothing happened. I opened my legs as wide as I could, using my fingers to open the sides of my vagina, opening it up for my baby to exit through. Gritting my teeth, I screamed and pushed.
    "Oh my god! Babe, I can see the tip of its head!" I heard Lexi exclaim happily. I bent my head down and sure enough you could see just the top of a little head poking out of me. I laid back and breathed a sigh of relief that didn't last long before my body screamed at me to push again. Bending my body forward I heaved all my power into the baby, screaming and groaning as I did so. My hands still lay at my opening, Lexi's massaging my inner thigh. I could feel my insides ripping, but no matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't get any more of my baby out.
    "Lexi... ahhhh... check to see if... the baby's shoulders... uhhhhh... are stuck..." I couldn't even get through a simple sentence without screaming because the pain was so bad. Stretching my vagina even more, Lexi maneuvered her hands around the baby's head and reached inside to make sure there were no complications. Twisting her arms, she adjusted the way the baby laid and gave a little pull while I pushed some more. Screaming out I could feel the baby coming more and more into the world, but I started to lose consciousness before I could fully deliver it. I could hear Lexi calling me in the distance but I didn't come to until my body pushed for me, bringing me back to reality.
     "Ahhhughhhhoooh..." with one last screaming push, I felt the baby finally leave my body and saw Lexi pick it up in her arms. She looked over at me, tears of joy in her eyes.
     "It's a boy, we don't know what to do with boys." She let out a laugh and quickly undid the umbilical cord. I couldn't believe it when she laid him on my chest, a tiny little boy that we had produced. My body was sore and tired but all I could feel was the love for her and our baby.
     "Let's move you to the bed," Lexi said standing out of the water. She grabbed a baby blanket and swaddled our son in it, bringing him to our bed, then coming back to help me out. She stood back in the tub, running her hands over my stomach, then down to my vagina where she lovingly rubbed to help soothe the pain. I laid back in the water, giving her easy access to my body as she massaged the pain away. After a few minutes she stood up and grabbed my hands, helping me out of the tub. We slowly walked over to the bed where our son already lay. Slowly I managed to get in it and then almost immediately fell asleep. A few hours later, Lexi woke me up to tell me she had to run out.
     "Are you sure you're ok for me to run to the store? We need a few outfits for the next few days as well as some medicine for you and the baby." I nodded my head yes because other than a little soreness I felt ok. She waved goodbye, bent down to kiss us both, and then grabbed her keys and headed out. "I won't be long!"
     Eventually I got bored laying down, but my baby was still asleep so I got up and went to the kitchen for a snack. I still wasn't dressed from the birth, but suddenly that seemed like a good thing. I keeled over, knees bent together, clutching my stomach. I put my hand on the kitchen table for balance and looked down at my pulsing vagina where I could see just the tip of something coming out. I screamed in confusion and pain as my body once again told me to push. Standing in the middle of my kitchen alone I could tell that I was having another baby, right now.
     "Ahhhhhowwwww..." I screamed as I stood watching my baby come out of me, a baby I didn't know existed. I spread my legs and arched my back as another push sent the baby even farther out, but when I breathed in, something strange happened, the bump coming out of me that I had previously seen seemed to be retreating back into me. I quickly put my hands under the head, trying to pull the baby out, screaming as I caused myself a great deal of pain, but finally the baby's head was fully out.
     "Oooohhh..." I moaned as the baby continued to slide out of me, getting on my hands and knees for a better birth position. I pushed and pushed but without Lexi home, nothing happened. Finally, with one last feeble attempt at delivering my baby, I felt a huge pressure release and looked down to see a small baby slide the last bit of itself out of my stretches and pained vagina. The floor and the baby were covered in blood and other amniotic fluids, but I could only see the fact that I now had a little boy and... a little girl. I dragged myself across the floor to the kitchen phone and dialed Lexi's number.
     "Hey, babe, are you ok? What's up?" I breathed a quick sigh and then told her my story.
     "Oh my god! Are you ok! I'm coming home now! I'm so sorry I wasn't home! Oh my god! Twins!" I could hear the sound of her apologizing to people as she bolted out of the mall towards her car. "I'll be there as soon as I can!"
     When she finally returned and helped me to clean up myself and our son and daughter, I knew the pain was worth it.

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