An Underage Accident

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     How could this be happening to me? I was 16, a sophomore, not nearly old enough to be pregnant. My boyfriend had talked me into having sex with him but we are young and we barely even knew what to do, much less how to do it properly. He was 17, and he wasn't a Virgin like I was so I assumed he knew at least a little. I didn't even cum so how did I get pregnant? Didn't we both have to? I really wish our school gave us a better talk, they just told us sex would ruin our lives... I didn't think they were right.
It all started when I was a few weeks late for my period. Nothing too drastic, just a little bump in my flow calendar. Then, it was a month, a few months. My stomach started to shape a little too. Was I eating too much? Then, I was sick every morning. Did I have some weird flu only in the morning? Then a dreaded idea got stuck in my mind, no matter how often I tried to brush it off. Finally, I went to the drugstore and bought a few different test sticks. Heading into the bathroom, my stomach turned to knots, more than it did recently.
Those damn tests took forever to show the results. I waited. Saw the results. Panicked. Took another. Sam outcome. Another. Same. This was not good. I knew you could have a false positive, but it wasn't common enough to happen three times in a row. That's it. I knew it, there was no doubt, I was pregnant.
The months during the pregnancy were awful. Kids stared at school, adults gasped in the supermarket, my own parents kicked me out. Now I lived with my boyfriend and his parents who were very understanding about the whole thing. They took me to appointments and helped me shop for baby stuff. I still wasn't prepared for when the contractions started. Because I was only about eight months pregnant I was still in school, in fact this was my last week until after the birth. I was in the middle of biology when I felt my pants get wet.
At first I thought it was just a little accident due to the pregnancy. It had already happened a few times. I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom when the first contraction racked through my body. I dropped my bag and grasped onto the wall, only a few feet from the bathroom. After a few seconds it subsided and I didn't know what to do. Was I in labor or was it just a Braxton Hicks contraction, a fake one? I headed into the stall and grabbed my phone. When I pulled down my panties, I could tell this was no accident.
With shaking hands I dialed my boyfriends number but it went straight to voicemail. A quick text was sent through. "In math, no phones. Text you after." I panicked. I didn't think I could last another 50 minutes waiting for his class to be over. I couldn't even drive yet because I didn't have a license but here I was about to give birth. Sitting on the toilet seat close to tears I dialed his moms number, the only other person I could think of calling. She answered with a confused tone.
"Uhmmm... I think my umm... I think my water just broke..." I breathed out. I heard her gasp on the other end and then she quickly went through the signs of labor with me. I had every one. It was official. I was in labor.
It didn't take long for her to drive to the school but once my boyfriend got called out of class, it took awhile. The principal called over the intercom for a shelter in place so I could be quickly moved out of the school but even still it was getting hard for me to walk. After a painful twenty minutes I was finally in the car on the way to the hospital breathing very heavy. I was having contractions every two minutes now and we were actively on the phone with a birthing doctor just in case I started actually delivering the baby before we got to the hospital. Suddenly I screamed as I felt something stretch in between my legs.
"Aghhh-uh!" We had already slid off my pants but I kept my underwear on. Slightly lifting up my shirt I could see that something was pressing through the crotch of my panties. I screamed again and my hands flew down to my vagina to try and conceal some of the vicious pain.
I was laying down in the backseat with my boyfriend and his mom in the front. I felt the car pull over and both of them scurry out to the side door. My boyfriend came around onto the side where my head was and stroked my hair and kissed my cheeks, whispering to me the whole while. His mom went to the other side to see what was happening so she could communicate it to the doctor on the phone.
     Tears slid down my cheeks as the pain grew. My boyfriend wiped the tears off my face and kissed my screams. My legs were already open and spread apart but I didn't know if I was supposed to push or not yet. I couldn't believe this was happening. I, a 16 year old girl, was about to give birth to a child. My stomach contorted and twisted as it felt the baby trying to move it's way out. My senses were on overload. I could hear the panicked chatter on the phone, the sound of cars rushing past, I could see my boyfriend and his mother's panicked gazes.
     Finally, she hung up the phone and proceeded to tell us the plan. The doctors had said they didn't think I was just about to give birth quite yet so they wanted us to try and drive to the hospital with me laying down in the back just in case. My boyfriend sat in the back with me, my head on his lap, as we drove as fast as we could (within legal limits) to the hospital. My legs were still spread because it helped to hide some of the pain, but my hands massages my stomach as it tried to push itself.
"I... I need to push!" I screamed as a huge pressure began to build up between my legs. My body screamed. I clenched my teeth and bit down my screams as I pushed with all my life. His mom looked back in concern and told me to try and hold off as long as I could so we could have real doctors there to help.
I never thought it would be so hard for me to try and stop myself from pushing. Sweat streamed down my face mingling with my tears. My vagina screamed with the efforts of holding the baby in. We were minutes from the hospital when I couldn't hold it in any longer. I whimpered as I let out my first big push and my split began to stretch. I breathed in a short, shaky breath, and pushed again, this time feeling something pressing its way out of my birth canal. I groaned as I continued to push, finally feeling the pains of the birth catch up to me and leaning my head back into him for a break. He kissed my forehead and tousled my hair distractedly. Leaning forward he whispered into my ear.
     "Babe, I hope you know you're turning me on so much right now. It's taking all I have not to get on the other side of you." I felt one of his hands move up to my bra and begin grabbing at my breast underneath. His other hand grabbed mine and led it to the bulge in his pants to show me exactly what he meant. I moaned a sexual moan, as my fingers moved down to touch myself. I was amazed out of my trance to feel the baby's head was all the way out of me and I immediately went back to pushing. I sat up from his lap and awkwardly turned my body so he would have a good view of our baby being born. I leaned my back against the side of the car, grabbed at the seats, and pushed as hard as I could. My vagina screamed with the effort and I watched as the baby slid out a little more.
     I pushed again. Again. One more time. Finally, the last bit of the baby slid out of me. I grabbed the small bundle, holding it against me to warm it up and removing my breast from my shirt so my daughter could eat.
     My boyfriend leaned forward and kissed me, his hands rubbing my thighs and teasing my sex. With his mom intent on the road, he leaned his mouth down and began kissing and licking my vagina. I let out a quiet, slow moan as his tongue danced around inside me. My hips bucked up to meet him and he slid his hands under my butt. It felt so good in contrast to the painful birth that I almost didn't realize us pulling into the hospital parking lot. He quickly sat up as the ER nurses ran out with a hospital bed and transferred me onto it.
     "Welcome to the world baby girl..."

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