Daddy-Daughter Dance

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"D-Daddy, I have something to tell you." I cowered under his intensive gaze. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his bedroom. His eyes were already filled with hunger, his pants already bursting at the crotch. I shivered...


"Hi baby. You look very pretty in that dress. Very grown up. Very sexy." I giggled as he ran his hands through my hair and started to unzip my dress. His fingertips traced circles down my shoulders as he slid the dress off you body. I could feel myself starting to get aroused, and it was obvious by his bulge that he was too. Once my dress was off, I was left in only a bra and my panties, both lacy and from the intimates section. He slid his shirt over his head and unbuckled his pants.
     With one hand on the small of my back he pulled me close to him and kissed me, hard. His hands groped around my body, finally landing on my C-cup breasts and starting to massage. He bit at my lips and I opened my mouth in a moan as his tongue darted inside.
     He picked me up, my legs straddling his torso, and walked backwards to the bed. Laying back, he trailed his kisses down my neck and unclipped the back of my bra. He began sucking and nipping at my breasts while I moaned beneath him. My fingers flew to my wet panties to try and suppress myself. He must have felt the movement because he sat up and looked at my crotch. He quickly slid off his boxers and his erection stood straight up.
     "So intent to masturbate huh? Give me a job and I'll make it so much better..." He stood on the floor next to the bed so I quickly got down on my knees. Running my hands up and down his member, he started to groan. I slowly started teasing him with my tongue and eventually took as much of him into my mouth as I could fit. He moaned out my name, grabbing my hair and making me bob up and down on him.
     Finally, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bed. Laying back down, he slid off my wet panties and started to rub the outside of my vagina. I bucked my hips up to him but he continued to slowly tease me. Then, he laid down next to me and told me to get over him. I put my head over his hard member and positioned my hips over his mouth. He started, bringing his tongue into my sex but it only took a second for me to catch up. My body went hard and I moaned loudly. I shook as I had my first orgasm and I came all over him.
     "Ooh, someone's ready for more..." he growled. Moving me off of him, I was placed on my hands and knees on the bed. He put both hands on my ass and swiftly opened my hole. I felt the tip of his head poking into me, but nothing compared to when he shoved his entire member into me. I screamed as he rode in and out, slowly getting faster and sloppier. Finally he pulled out and flipped me over spreading open my legs.
     He quickly inserted two of his fingers inside me and started to move them around. I bucked up my hips and humped his hand, trying to get more. Finally he pulled out his fingers and positioned himself to enter me. In one swift movement, stars exploded behind my eyes. He was inside me. My vagina pulsed with desire. He slowly pulled out partially and rammed back into me. Quickly we fell into a simultaneous rhythm as his climax neared. He moaned and growled as he released into me. He pulled out when he was done and leaned down to kiss my sex. He lapped up our mingling cum and moved his head to kiss me again.


     It was almost nine months ago that we had had sex, and my stomach had grown to the size of a beach ball. I was horrified when I first saw the test results but I had grown accustomed to it now. I was due to deliver any day now, we were already on our way to the hospital. We had scheduled to have a natural induced birth in a few hours, but we weren't sure how long I'd be in labor.


     "Honey, I need you to breathe!" My body shook as a contraction racked my body. I had already been in labor for seven hours and I still wasn't fully dilated. Sweat streamed down my face and my abdomen was sore with strain. On the next contraction, I felt something gushing out of me and looking down I could tell my water had broken. I was officially about to have a baby.
The nurses had all left the room by now because I wasn't expected to deliver for at least another hour and the woman down the hall was currently delivering. My dad came over to me and kissed my forehead.
"Good job baby girl," he trailed his kisses down to my lips and then with big gaps made his way down to the tip of my pregnant belly. He pushed up my hospital gown and looked at my exposed body, I had nothing on underneath the gown. With one finger he traced the outside of my vagina and continued kissing his way down. I moaned, both in pain and in pleasure, as my body was interfered with by both baby and baby daddy.
As his finger moved in and out, some of the pain began to alleviate, but it didn't last long before my next contraction came and I gritted my teeth to stop my scream. I whimpered loudly as my small body stretched in labor pain. My father quickly sat up and looked at me angrily.
"You ungrateful little brat. Here I am, putting myself at risk, so you can have some pleasure, but there you are, whining and crying and drawing attention to us all!" He got up and pulled the curtains closed while locking the door. I was scared, I needed the nurses in order to deliver my baby which could be at any time.
"I'm sorry daddy. Can we take a break? I'm so sore and I just want to concentrate on my baby." He looked at me with the firey fury that had been common in recent nights. He was going to ignore what I said, and usually it only bothered me a little, but today, I wanted my body to be mine.
He shook his head in laughter as he bent back down and began to roughly finger me. I felt tears sliding down my face as he ignored my request. Then, I heard his pants start to unzip and I panicked letting out a small "no". He sat straight up and looked at me.
"You will do whatever I say... or else." He swiftly put my legs in the stirrups and tied them down, preventing me from closing them, as he began to position himself. I screamed, a horrible mistake, in a last minute effort to summon a nurse. Swiftly, angrily, he stuck himself inside of me. As he rode in and out, my body contorting in pain double time, I used my last bit of strength to hit the emergency nurse button and hopefully bring them running. I slid into unconsciousness as he got close to his climax, but before I went under, I heard someone trying to push their way into the room, someone was going to save me.


     My eyes slowly started to adjust as I came to. I could hear people running around me, panicking, yelling orders. Finally, someone realized I was waking up.
     "Hey sweetie," one of the nurses said, "are you okay? Do you know where you are?" I nodded, tears threatening to spill over. I tried to sit up a little, to see what was happening with my baby, if my father was still here, and for the first time became aware of the immense pain I was in. Suddenly, the nurses all came over towards me, taking up various jobs. One nurse stood on either of my sides, holding my hands and whispering encouragements. There was also one nurse at each of my legs holding them open so the doctor in between them would have a better view.
     "The baby is on the way. She's fully dilated and ready to go." The OBGYN looked over to me and nodded at me to begin pushing. I took in a deep breath and pushed with all my might. Pain erupted near my vagina and I screamed in surprise at the pain.
     Sweat was already pouring down my face and my hands held tightly onto the nurses. I drew in a shaky breath and began to push again. A sob escaped my body and I looked to the doctor to see how much longer I had left to push.
     "One more time sweetheart," she responded. I nodded and pushed as hard as I could. I could hear my baby crying as a sigh of relief grew over me. "It's a boy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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