Chapter: One

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I woke up and started to get ready for the day. That consists of waking up, taking a shower, washing my hair, scrubbing my face, then getting dressed for the day.

Once all that is finished, I head downstairs to greet my mom and dad. As I waltz into the kitchen, I hear hushed whispers. It's rude to enter unannounced, so I just decided to start humming loudly. The whispers stop and I enter to see father sitting at the table drinking coffee and mother making pancakes and eggs on the stove.

"Good morning mother, good morning father."
"Good morning dear."
"Yes Good morning, do you think on your way home from school you could grab me a paper?"
"Of course dad."
"Thanks hun, I have to get to work, have a good day at school, and don't forget your folder this time."
"I won't dad."
He kisses mother on the cheek then heads out the door for work. I sit and start eating my breakfast.
"Breakfast taste amazing mom, anything extra in it today?"
"No, not that I know of? Why, what do you taste today?"
"I'm not sure, maybe just some extra love spilled in the mix today."
"Of Jenny you're always so sweet. Thanks dear, now hurry up! Don't wanna be late for school again do you?"
"I'm going, bye mom have a good day!"
"You too sweetie!"
I shut the door and started my trek to school. Well, not really a "trek" I just don't particularly like the walking.

As I'm walking I notice all the newsies, probably not even a mile apart, shouting out to people trying to sell papers. Most of the time it's the same boys, but every once in awhile there'll be a new one. It's just so sad to know that these boys are out here all year long just trying to make a living.

I stop daydreaming and focus back on the whole reason why I'm walking in the first place. Walking over the Brooklyn bridge, I take in the scenery of the sun rising just above the bridge. I stop for only a moment as I capture this natural beauty.

I walk into school and greet the teacher as usual. I take my seat and set my books down on my desk and wait for other students to take their seats. Manhattan is differentu from Brooklyn, but dad says this is one of the better but cheaper school I can attend. I don't mind it thought. It's not like the people around here judge you.

As the other students start to come in and take their seats, we start with reading a book of choice. I chose "The Secret Garden". It's not my favorite as it's kind of childish, but it has a great plot.

Finally it's the end of the day and we can head home. I can not forget dad's paper. I never really buy from the same newsie unless there's no one I haven't bought from. But because I live in Brooklyn, I can always buy one from Manhattan or Brooklyn. Today I'm feeling like I'll buy from a Manhattan newsie so I can read on the way home. There was this one guy, on the taller side with dirty blond hair, and a cigar.
"Extra Extra! Come and get a pape! Nothing too new but nothing too old or boring!"
"One paper please."
"Anything for the lovely lady, that'll be a penny ma'am."
"Here's a nickel."
"Why thank you!"
"No problem, have a good day mister."
"Same to you miss!"

I look over the cover and see that the trolly strike has entered week two. I'm sure dad will roll his eyes at this, but the weather looks like it's going to be sunny all week which is a good thing I guess.

As I walk over the bridge again, I sit at the edge and read the paper. Just like the boy was saying, nothing new but nothing old and boring either. I sigh I look out at the sky, then I get up and finish walking home.

I enter the house and go to the kitchen. Mom is sitting at the table sewing some clothes.
"Hey mom."
"Hello dear. Anything good in the paper today?"
"Not really, trolly strike enters its second week but the weather is supposed to be nice for the rest of the week."
"Ah, fathers going to roll his eyes at that one. That's sounds good, maybe we can do another family picnic in the park this weekend then. How would you feel about that?"
"I think that'd be great."
"Good, your dad should be home any minute now, would you like to help me start dinner?"
"Sure mom, what we cooking tonight?"
"I was thinking mashed potatoes, gravy, and some chicken?"
"Sounds delicious."

We started on cooking when my dad come home.

"In the kitchen dear!"
"Hey, how are my girls today?"
"Good good, how are you?"
"I've been better, anything good in the paper?"
"Trolly strike enters second week."
"Of corse it did."
"I told you he would roll his eyes!"
"But the weather is supposed to be nice so mother suggested a family picnic this weekend."
"This weekend?"
"Yes, is that a problem?"
"I was going to wait till we were eating to say, but I'm leaving town in two days."
"Where ever are you going?"
"I was talking to your mother this morning, and, we both agreed that you're at the right age to be married."
"What on earth are you talking about? I'm 16 and still in school! I don't have time for boys! I have a future to look forward to and I can't leave you guys?!"
"Many girls your age are already settled down dear, I would never pick a young man I didn't see fit for you and you know that."
"That doesn't make it right?!"
"Can you just go with us on this one?"
"Go with you? Mom, dad, I love you guys endlessly, you know this. And if you loved me too you wouldn't make me do this."
"I'm sorry dear, I know how much this hurts you, but it really is what's best."
"What's best! I'm your daughter. You're supposed to not want me to grow up! To be your little girl forever! But instead, you're pushing me out! Forcing me to get married and leave you guys behind! I love you guys but this is just wrong!" I shouted back and ran up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me and just cried in my bed all night. How could they do this to me? Their only daughter, they want gone so fast.

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