Chapter: Two

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Waking up the next morning was hard. I didn't want to have to face my parents after last night, let alone go to school. I did as I had to and ate breakfast at the table. No one talked to one another in pure fear of starting something they wished not to. I finished my food and whispered a quiet goodbye as I walked out the door and took the same path as I always did to school.

Walking over the bridge, I couldn't help but notice how the sky seemed to be just as blue as I felt. Not its regular bight, baby blue, but a darker blue I did not know how to explain. I just couldn't help myself from thinking about my father leaving. How long would he be gone? Will he find me a nice man? Of course he will! I am his daughter after all.

I arrived at school and took my normal seat. I pulled out a book I'm currently reading and "shoved my nose in it" as people would say to me. "Hey what's got you so down?" I turned to see my friend Davey giving me his "concerned dad" face as I like to call it.

"Well how would you feel if your dad was going to leave you and your mom to find you a man to marry? Not to mention while he's gone, you have to stop coming to school and work to make his income while he's gone, gone for whoever know how long."

"Wow, well I'm sorry to hear that. I would be pretty bummed to."

"Yeah, after today I have to talk to my mother about what I'm going to do to make up for his lost income. We all also had a fight last night, but we'll get over ourselves later."

"Well if you ever need anything, you know my family loves you like a daughter. So, just don't hesitate to ask for anything. Literally anything at anytime. I'm here for you." And with that he gave me a hug. I melted into it and thanked him.

Walking home, I was thinking of all the possible jobs I could have by tomorrow.

"Papes! Come and get ya papers! Trolley strike enters third week with a hopeful outcome!" Well, the last thing I can do is buy dad one more paper before he goes.
"I'll take one paper please." The newsie, who had glasses and a bright smile, seemed shocked I wanted to buy a paper.

"One paper for the lovely young lady, that'll be a penny miss."

"Here's a nickel."

"Why thank you! Have a great day."

I passed over the bridge and took a seat on the edge, reading over the paper. The boy was right, the trolley strike looks like it's finally coming to an end! Gosh dad will be happy to hear that. Sadly, he won't get to see the next headline for who knows how long, but I can't dwell on that. I have to keep my head up and just accept my fate.

Once I got home, I gave my dad his paper and apologized to him and mother. They accepted my apologize and apologized themselves. Father went upstairs to pack while mother and I talked jobs. She was going on and on about shoe factories and housekeeping. She would not stop about laundry either. Suddenly, without thinking, I blurted out something I never thought she'd agree with,

"What about a newsie?"

"That could work. We don't need a huge chuck of income because we have one less person in the house. It would also force you to be more social and maybe make some friends!"

"Ok mom, I get it. So is that what I'm to do till father returns? Be a newsie?"

"I'll run it by your father before he leaves, but I don't see why he would have a problem with it. For now, go ahead upstairs and get ready for bed. No matter what you have a job to start tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight mom. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight darling. Oh! Tell your father night before you turn in, incase he's gone before you wake."

"Alright, good idea mom. Thanks!"

I went up the stairs and told my dad bye. He told me he'd be how as soon as he could be, but he would find me a good husband first. I told him again I was sorry for yesterday then made my way to bed. Tomorrow was going to determine the rest of the week at least.

The next morning, mom woke me up saying that I would be a newsie and in order to do that, I would have to wake up bright and early. I went through my normal routine except when I went to leave, I didn't take my school bag with me. The sun to seem shine a little brighter than most days, but there was a breeze so the heat shouldn't be overwhelming.

I made it to Manhattan, dad said it would be easiest to sell here considering I go to school over here. I was a little shocked when he agreed to let me be a newsie, but he knows I can handle myself well.

I saw a bunch of boys my age standing by a fence so I went over but stayed towards the back. Once the gates were opened, they started talking about some people named "The Delancys" I shook it off and stood in line to get some papers. No one seemed to notice I was there until the one boy I bought a paper from, the one with the cigar, started asking questions.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, I don't believe so, why you asking?"

"Your face, it just seems so familiar."

"I get that a lot, I must just have that type of face."

He shrugged it off and I was thankful. Then Davey came walking in, and I knew I was in trouble. He said if I needed anything to go to him. Now he's going to see me and call me out. This is just great! Absolutely beautiful.

Thankfully, before he could notice me it was time for me to buy my share of papers.

"We got a newbie boys. So, how many papes will it be for you, girl?"

At that very word, all the boys heads turned to me. It was pretty intimidating, but I just raised my head higher.

"100 papes please."

"Oh, she even got manners. Oscar, give the girl her papes."

I walked over to who I assumed was Oscar to get my papers. He held them out for me and gave me a wink. I just flashed a smile then turned around and rolled my eyes. I was starting to walk away when a voice stopped me.

"Hey! Where do ya think ya going?"

"I'm trying to go sell my papes, what does it matter to you?" At that all the boys "oohhed"

"The names Jack Kelly, I'm in charge around here."

"Nice to meet you but I don't care." I turned to walk away again when he jumped in front of me and stopped me once more.

"I wasn't done talking to yous. Around here, all newbies have to sell with someone in joint effort. I personally would be glad to accompany you."

"No, I'll go with her. At least know her."

"Davey, you know her?"

"Yeah, we went to school together."

"Aahh yous went to school together, how nice is that."

"No, I'll take the boy, that way you can go sell with your boyfriend here."

And with that, the young boy, I'm assuming Davey's brother by the way he talks about him in school, and I head off and find a place to sell. Leaving behind two shocked guys surrounded by laughing boys. Oh what fun this should be.

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