Chapter: Three

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"I'm Les."

"Hello Les nice to meet you. My names Jenna but you can call me Jen."

"Nice to meet ya! We normally sale around the corner up the street here."

"Alright little man lead the way!"

I walked with Les to the corner and there was something I realized. At every selling spot, you could see one or more other Newsies' selling spot.

"Why can we see everyone's selling spots? Aren't they like their own territory?"

"Yeah, by we look out for each other around here. Call it a safety system. So that one of one of us is in trouble, the others can see and call on down to the other guys and get some help."

"That's a smart idea."

"Yeah, Jack made it ever since this one boy, Jojo, was getting picked on by the Delancy brothers, but no one saw him. When he came back to the bunker he was beat up and scared. That next morning Jack went out and fixed all the boys' spots so nothing like that would ever happen again."

"He really cares about you guys doesn't he?"

"That he does! He's like my second brother. Sometimes if Davey gets to go to school, I come and hang out with Jack. My family invited him over for dinner once. He didn't show up, but I'm not upset. He jut has a hard time since he grew up without any folks of his own."

"That's sad, I couldn't imagine growing up without my parents. I'm glad he's adjusted and treats the others well too. It really shows when he was pushy with me."

"Yeah he just doesn't know you yet, he'll come around though. I'm sure of it!"

"Well the suns up and people are out, let's start selling some papers!"


There was a few people on the street. Les got them to buy and paper and a few got some from me. Most of them were just on their way to work and wanted something to ready on the trolly. I couldn't but think of dad getting a paper and riding the trolly. I wonder how he is?

Before I knew it, it was time to turn in for the night. I walked with Les back to the bunker as he counted his coin and got excited over what he made. It made me smile seeing how happy he was. We got back to the bunker and noticed Jack and Davey waiting on us.

"Hey guys, were back!" Les yelled running towards his brother.

"Hey buddy! How'd you make out today?"

"Pretty well, Jen here sure knows how to sell some papes! She's a natural!"

"Now Les we weren't supposed to tell anyone!" I said in a playfully mean tone.

"Sorry but it's the truth!"

"Well we better be getting home now. Night guys!"

"Good night.


"I should be on my way home now."

"Yous got a place to stay?"

"Yeah right over the bridge in Brooklyn."



"It's just that, if yous live over there, why don't yous sells there?"

"My folks make enough for us to live over there but they send me to school over here. Well, sent me to school over here. Father just thought it would be easiest to sell over here since I went to school here."


"Yeah, goodnight Jack."

"Night Jen."

I walked a little ways and turned my head and say Jack walking the opposite. He's a good guy with a great heart. It's a shame he doesn't have a good life. A boy like him deserves a good, no, great life!

Pretty soon I find myself crossing that same bridge. The sky was dark and the summer s night air was cool and breezy. The stars shown perfectly with no clouds in sight.

I made my way into the house and mother was sitting on the couch.

"It's about time you got home."

"Sorry, we sell all day out there."

"It's fine dear. So, how was your first day?"

"Pretty well, I made a few friends and have a great selling partner."

"Fantastic! How'd you do?"

"I made out with one dollar."

"Magnificent darling! Oh your father would be so proud! He's supposed to send word when he gets there. So I suspect a letter in a couple days time. Now clean up and get to bed. You have another day of selling tomorrow!"

"Yes mother."

I dropped my money on the table and kissed my mom goodnight. Then I went and cleaned up and got ready for bed. As soon as I hit the mattress I passed out. I wonder what tomorrow will hold.

I got up the next morning and grabbed my hat and paper sling. I told mother I was leaving and started my long trek to Manhattan.

Crossing the bridge today seemed different, something was wrong almost. I quickened my pace and tried to get to newsie square as fast as possible.

I got there and found a bunch of boys yelling and cheering. I found Davey and asked him what was goi on.

"They all wanna go on strike."

"What? They can't do that!"

"Technically they can, but it won't end good for them."

"Is there anything you can do to talk them out of it?"

"I can try, but I don't know how well it will work. These guys have been working hard and they want what they deserve."

"You just have to promise me you'll try, my father depends on this."

"I promise."

I nodded at him and started jogging back to Brooklyn. Hopefully they weren't striking.

I made it to Brooklyn and went straight to the Newsie bunker there. I tried to go in but some guys on the outside walked in front of me.

"Whatta doin here girl?"

"I came to see Spot?"

"What's the occasion?"

"Manhattan is going on strike and I need a place to sell."

"Wait one moment."

One went inside while the other one stayed outside and watched me like a hawk. The other one came back out and nodded at the other one and they let me in.

I walked in and it was a nice place for what it was. I was taken to a desk area where a guy was sitting. At the sound of us entering he looked up. He wasn't bad looking. I couldn't stop myself from staring.

"Whatta want?"

"Manhattan has gone on a strike and I'm just trying to sell papes."

"And you don't want no part of this?"

"No, I understand that the raise in price isn't fair but I'm just trying to make a livin."

"Alright, you'll sell with Elmer. Welcome to the Brooklyn Newsies." He stood up and spit on his hand.

I looked at him a minute but eventually I spit on my hand and shook his. As we were shaking hands, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him and our hand shake lasted a little long than necessary but neither of us complained. I walked out and stood with the same guy as before while the other went to fetch Elmer. What have I gotten myself into?

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