Chapter: Four

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After about a week of selling with the Brooklyn boys, we were all called for a meeting. I asked around and nothing like this has ever happened before so naturally we were all on our toes.

"Thank you all for coming. Wes got a situation up in Manhattan and wes got to settle this!"

"What's the situation?"

"Yeah what's going on?"

"What happened this time?"

"QUIET! I know you all wanna know what happened. So shut it so I can tell yous! As some may know, Manhattan has started a strike with the bull himself. I told myself I wouldn't get involved but after seeing them come together and fight these men, how can I stay away. We march up tomorrow!"

Cheers and chants of joy erupted from these boys. Many from just being hungry for a fight other for getting to leave Brooklyn and show Manhattan what's to come. I was looking around and Elmer ran up to me.

"Hey! Yous excited to get back to Manhattan?!"

"If it were for better circumstances sure, but I don't know about this."

"What do yous mean?"

"I kind of left and didn't tell anyone. They are not gonna be happy to see me!"

"Oh please, you left for a reason and yous all still friends! They're gonna have to love yous because I sure can't any longer."

I shoved him then wished him a good night and went to leave. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spot turn his head. Was he looking at me? He didn't seem to happy. Oh well, no time to worry about that now. I have to go home and disappoint my parents!

I got home and mother was talking to someone in the kitchen. I walked in and saw father standing there.

"Dad!" I yelled and jumped to hug him.

"Hey sweet pea! How are you doing?!"

"I'm even better now that you're home!"

"Good to hear! How about you go get cleaned up then we can all have dinner together?"

"Alright be down soon!"

I ran upstairs with a joy filled heart and my mind running a hundred miles a minute. Why was he home? And how am I going to tell them about Manhattan!

I came back down the stairs a few moments later and the table was set and dinner was ready. I sat down and waited for mother to turn the stove off then join us.

"Good to have you back dad."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Why are you home though?"

"Well dear, that's what your mother and I wanted to tell you."


"You're getting married!"


"I know it's a lot to take in dear, but he's a good kid and I just know he'll be a great husband."

"But, but dad I'm not ready to be married!"

"I know you feel that way but many girls your age have already wed and your mother and I think it would be best for you."

"Well, if that's what you think."

"Thank you."



"The Brooklyn Newsies are marching up to Manhattan tomorrow to help settle the strike."

"Don't tell me you're thinking of going?"

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